Thursday, September 16, 2021

Biden's Vaccine Mandate May Force Texas Hospital to Close...more news

Biden's Vaccine Mandate May Force Texas Hospital to Close "Vaccine mandates have already resulted in workers resigning rather than taking the jab. At the Lewis County Health System in Lowville, New York, for example, the maternity unit had to be temporarily closed because 30 employees resigned over the state's vaccine mandate."  "

Covid Vaccinations and Fetal Cell Lines: Why it’s Time for the Pro-Life Movement to Step Up And Call No Go on Fetal Research "There is a much bigger picture at play here: how the acceptance of these fetal cell lines opens to the door to so much more. Fetal tissue sales and research did not stop with the development of the above fetal cell lines. Earlier this month, the University of Pittsburg admitted to harvesting kidneys out of living babies for tax-payer funded research...."  

SHOT: Virginia teacher: Asking students to sit quietly and listen to the teacher is white supremacy   

CHASER: Anne Kennedy: Some People Need To Get Out More

When do high school creative-writing assignments become "grooming"?
Answer: When they instruct students to write sex scenes that “you wouldn’t show your mom.”

Biden's Export-Import Bank Nominee Advises Chinese Communists on 'Access To US Government.'
Reta Jo Lewis, Joe Biden’s nominee for President and Chair of the Export-Import Bank of the United States, has collaborated with various Chinese Communist Party-funded influence groups flagged by the U.S. government for seeking to coerce American officials into adopting “Beijing’s preferred policies,”... 

California’s Audit-Proof Scheme to Steal Elections...When voter fraud is institutionalized. "RAVBM allows Californians to “vote independently and privately in the comfort of their own home” by printing their own ballots and mailing them in, even with their own envelope..."

In New Zealand, There Have Been More People Killed by the 'Vaccines' Than by Covid-19

Virginia and Wisconsin report measles cases among Afghan refugees  


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