Monday, September 27, 2021

From Heroes to Zeroes: How Vax Mandates Are Purging Our First Responders...more

From Heroes to Zeroes: How Vax Mandates Are Purging Our First Responders

Biden endorses bill that allows abortions “without limitations or requirements”...“If signed into law,” Bice stated, “it would create a national standard to allow abortion for any reason at any stage of pregnancy, up to birth.”   

Facebook acknowledges Instagram's damage to teen mental health, but says there's good stuff too

NYC Fast Resembling San Fran & Vancouver 'Cities Of The Walking Dead' As Junkies, Dealers Take Over Midtown Streets With Impunity

California Schools Prepare for Influx of Afghan Refugee Students, Offer 'Culturally Appropriate' Meals, Set Aside Rooms For Prayer During Muslim Holidays.... Christian children in California aren’t allowed to pray in schools


"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."  -Thomas Jefferson 


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