Thursday, October 21, 2021

Never in recent American history has any administration birthed such disasters in its first nine months...more


V.D. Hanson: Never in recent American history has any administration birthed such disasters in its first nine months  

-Afghanistan — the most humiliating defeat in recent U.S. military history?

-A labor-starved supply chain in shambles and holiday shelves emptying out?

-The worst inflation in 30 years that seems soon ready to match Carter-era levels?

-Gas hitting $5 a gallon with winter heating fuels soaring?

-Free-for-all looting in the major cities without consequences?

-Joe Biden’s policies and Biden himself diving in the polls?

-Never in recent American history has any administration birthed such disasters in its first nine months.

Documents Show Fetal Organ Trafficking Horrors...FDA Bought Fetal Organs, Heads and Tissue for ‘Humanized Mice’ Project  

Biden secretly flying underage migrants into NY in dead of night


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