NY Taxpayers To Pay $220 Million Next Year For Illegal Migrants’ Health Care; Biden's America Rots from the Head Down...more
New York Taxpayers To Pay $220 Million Next Year For Illegal Migrants’ Health Care https://thefederalist.com/ 2022/05/19/new-york-taxpayers- to-pay-220-million-next-year- for-illegal-migrants-health- care/
Archbishop Cordileone tells priests that Nancy Pelosi Communion denial is ‘pastoral, not political’ https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/251308/archbishop-cordileone-tells-priests-pelosi-communion-denial-is-pastoral
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Biden's America Rots from the Head Down https://www.americanthinker. com/articles/2022/05/bidens_ america_rots_from_the_head_ down.html
Shortage of contrast dye for medical scans leads to rationing, delayed procedures https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2022/05/19/contrast-dye-shortage/2011652976968/
Why the Baby Formula Shortage Is Biden’s New Afghanistan...The media cannot hide from mothers the empty shelves and disappeared supplies. https://spectator.org/why- baby-formula-is-bidens-new- afghanistan/
If They Had Any Idea What Pregnancy Centers Do, Would They Still Attack Us? https://www.americanthinker. com/articles/2022/05/if_they_ had_any_idea_what_pregnancy_ centers_do_would_they_still_ attack_us.html
Census screw-up favors blue states? Shocking https://tomknighton.substack. com/p/census-screw-up-favors- blue-states?s=w
First they came for the statues. Now they’ve come for the sonnets: Now a university in England has rejected the sonnet as too white and Western https://www.thenewneo.com/ 2022/05/19/now-a-university- in-england-has-rejected-the- sonnet-as-too-white-and- western/
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