Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Biden's new Title IX rules deputize teachers to override parents on gender identity; THE RADICALIZATION OF EPISCOPAL SEMINARIES...more

Biden's new Title IX rules deputize teachers to override parents on gender identity... it will be used to keep parents in the dark on everything from curricular material to the fact that a child is socially transitioning at school https://nypost.com/2022/08/15/bidens-title-ix-rules-deputize-teachers-to-override-parents/  

Education Exodus...Parents are abandoning schools in large numbers, but teachers are not. https://amgreatness.com/2022/08/15/education-exodus/

BLM-Themed Groups Are Still Getting Paid Not to Burn Madison, Wisconsin

THE RADICALIZATION OF EPISCOPAL SEMINARIES...Students are indoctrinated in Womanist Theology, Liberation Theology, and Queer Theology https://virtueonline.org/radicalization-episcopal-seminaries  

Nurses Describe 'Brutal' COVID-19 Treatment Protocols...Keeping families isolated was especially difficult, she said, because people couldn’t come to say goodbye to their loved ones https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/nurses-describe-brutal-covid-19-treatment-protocols


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