Monday, September 05, 2022

How Weed Became the New OxyContin; As The US Slept, China Captured Africa...more

How Weed Became the New OxyContin...“I started seeing people with the worst psychosis symptoms that I have ever seen,”
-Addiction psychiatrist

As The US Slept, China Captured Africa: "Just two years ago, the U.S. was considered Africa’s number-one ally. Today, it has been not just dethroned, but overtaken by its number-one global rival."  

Critics of the pandemic school closures have been vindicated: "American students’ test scores plunge to levels unseen for decades,"  

Universities clinging to vaccine mandates may face heavy liability: "Why would you kick someone out of school because they didn't take a booster 8 months ago that is currently providing ~0% protection against transmission?

Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up...Israel didn't start to gather safety data until a year into the vaccine program...found that the vaccines weren't safe so they lied to the world about it.

Biden 'on a war footing' to dehumanize 'roughly half the population who voted against him': "His entire career has been one of viciously attacking people.”

Biden's Red Rant: Are Conservatives Being Set Up As Scapegoats For Disaster? The level of hostility in Biden's rant was carefully calculated, it was not haphazard.

Seattle Sees Deadliest Month In Recent History After Push To Defund Police... the city on track to break a 25-year record high in deadly shootings


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