Monday, July 17, 2023

The New Censorship; The human cost of Net Zero; US, NATO Weapons Stockpiles at ‘Dangerously Low’ Levels...more

The pandemic proved an incubator and accelerator of government control of digital speech. Personal reports of vaccine aftereffects, talk of natural immunity, and, of course, any suggestion that the virus had been “leaked from a lab” came under scrutiny: this was the moment when truth became relative. By the 2020 election campaign, as we have seen, Trump, the sitting president, had been deamplified on Twitter. The January 6 disorders took this trend a step further—at last, as the elites had believed all along, Trumpism could be equated with treason.

With the ascent of Joe Biden to the presidency, the system achieved something like maturity. Biden was a believer—and a practitioner. He accused the digital platforms of “killing people” with disinformation, and he demanded, successfully, that Twitter exile critics and political opponents. The bureaucrats could finally come out of the closet, but uncertainty remained as to how centralized and visible to the public the system should be.

...Misgendering has been referred to as an “act of violence” at some U.S. universities.

There has been a concern that we are seeing the rise of a generation of censors, who have been taught since a young age that speech is harmful and even violent.


The talk of leaving fossil fuels behind is not based in reality. It’s fuelled instead by a mixture of apocalypticism, hypocrisy and sheer wishful thinking. In the future, perhaps we will be able to power hospitals using kinetic energy. But right now, the costs of abandoning fossil fuels will likely do far more harm than climate change itself.

No country would ever depend on an out-and-out rival for something as vital as energy.  Yet the Biden administration, through its zealous, misguided pursuit of "net-zero emissions," is fast-tracking America's dependence on Communist China for the minerals and components that back-end green technology.  The administration also is curbing the mining industry, again allowing China to monopolize America and the world in minerals and ores.


“I think it’s very important that we kind of take stock of where we are in our weapons state across the 32 nations of NATO, and we’re getting way down compared to where we were,” Gen. Hecker said, while speaking on a panel with the air chiefs of the UK and Sweden at the conference, the outlet reported...

...The United States is at “roughly half the number of fighter squadrons” it had compared to when it engaged in Operation Desert Storm, a U.S.-led operation that started in January 1991 as part of a response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, according to the general. He noted that there has been a similar decrease in fighter squadrons for the UK.


In Canada, It's Easier to Access Euthanasia Services Than Health Care  Someone has to protect the aged, the infirm, and the mentally incompetent.  Making state-sanctioned suicide anything more than a rare, reluctantly taken medical intervention is barbaric. Canada should wake up before they start building suicide centers a la Soylent Green.


...Recent test scores show a 50-year downward trend for American students. We need to change course immediately.


The box office news comes as former President Donald Trump plans to screen “Freedom” at his New Jersey golf property July 19. Caviezel will be on hand, as will Ballard and co-producer/co-star Eduardo Verastegui.

The press has been vilifying “Sound of Freedom” for days, inexplicably connecting the movie to the QAnon crowd and attacking Caviezel for his political views. The attacks aren’t all from left-leaning platforms.

Demonic Disney Unveils New Program About Little Girl Who Inherits Blood-Drinking Cult, Complete With Ritualistic Murder and Human Sacrifice  Like the rest of the corporate-controlled media machine, Disney remains outspokenly opposed to the new “Sound of Freedom” film starring Jim Caviezel of “Passion of the Christ,” even while it simultaneously promotes banal filth like “Praise Petey.”
“No wonder they are trying to diss ‘Sound of Freedom,'” another commenter wrote about Disney, which openly supports grooming, transgenderism, and other forms of LGBT pedophilia and perversion.

“This is just another verifier to show us how sick American and Western culture has become.”


This is what “equity” looks like: people cannot pass a teaching exam on merit, so they are handed one or two million in taxpayer-funded ‘compensation.’ 

More than $750 million in judgments have already been doled out to 2,959 of the 5,200 plaintiffs with some individual settlements as low as several hundred dollars. Some payments also accounted for other compensations including back pay.

“Back pay”? For what? Jobs they were not qualified for and never held? I have no words.


However, almost two years later, the authorities have quietly decided to begin an investigation into Covid-19 vaccine induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and Antibody-Dependent Enhancement after scientists around the world, including many from Harvard and Yale, were forced to admit a debilitating suite of problems have been appearing hours, days or weeks after a Covid-19 vaccine has been administered.

But they have thus far decided to dub the condition ‘Long Vax’ in an attempt to trivialize the deadly consequences of Covid-19 vaccination and give more credence to the alleged condition ‘Long Covid’ which is otherwise known as hypochondria.



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