Monday, November 13, 2023

The Biden Doctrine—Treating the Slaughter of Jews as a P.R. Crisis; Feral youth just beat a 17-year-old to death...more

The Biden Doctrine — Treating the Slaughter of Jews as a P.R. Crisis  This is all appalling, if not entirely unexpected, especially considering none other than Barack Obama himself had unfurled pro-Hamas comments in a recent public appearance. The former President told a group of activists and supporters that he yearned for “a peaceful coexistence between two sovereign and free peoples.” His proposed scenario is an impossibility. As my colleague Joel Pollak pointed out: “Hamas does not want ‘peaceful coexistence,’ nor do the pro-Palestinian demonstrators, in cities and on college campuses, who celebrated the Hamas attack and called for the State of Israel to be destroyed, ‘from the river to the sea.’”

‘Expel. Deport. Repeat.’: MIT Blasted For Protecting Anti-Semitic Students Over Fears They’d Lose Their Visas   “MIT didn’t want to punish antisemitic foreign students harassing American Jews on campus because suspension would lead to deportation under the student visa rules. So MIT chose to help the antisemites instead of punishing them. Morality run amok,” Marina Medvin added. “MIT is one of the most prestigious universities in the US. These days, foreigners make up about 30% of the MIT student body. Jewish students, on the other hand, make up about 6% of the MIT student body — a campus minority.”

These Mosques Pray for the Annihilation of Jews. They Also Receive Money From the Biden Administration.   A federal program to help nonprofit groups protect against terrorist attacks has given millions of dollars to mosques and Islamic groups that have praised terrorists and called for the destruction of Israel, according to a Washington Free Beacon review.

FBI, DOJ Refuse To Call Covenant School Shooting An Anti-White Hate Crime Even After Racist Manifesto Is Leaked   In her “DEATH DAY” notebook, Hale claimed she planned to murder Covenant schoolchildren because she hated their white skin, light features, and “privilege.”

Jonathan Lewis, 17, was just trying to stand up for a smaller friend who’d been robbed and dumped into a garbage can. Instead, the same mob turned on him...and beat him to death. We have a serious violence problem in America, and it’s a combination of lax law enforcement and cultural breakdown.

Hanson: The Damage of the ‘White Privilege’ Smear...It's past time for Americans to reject all racial stereotyping   The industry of white demonization also plays a role in the drastic reductions in U.S. armed forces recruitment. The Pentagon insists that labor shortages, obesity, criminality, gang affiliations, or drugs explain their current alarming dearth of recruits.
But the drop-off in white rural and suburban males is demonstrable, and the reason is most likely their weariness with constant woke hectoring and discrimination.


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