Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Silencing the Irish To Save Them From Themselves; The West’s Baby Bust...more

Dreher: Silencing the Irish To Save Them From Themselves...Any Irish person who has a critical thought about the mass migration overtaking the country better keep his mouth shut and not write, tweet, or TikTok anything about it, or face prison.   All European eyes should be on Ireland now. In the wake of last week’s Dublin riots, the Varadkar government is fast-tracking draconian hate-speech legislation that would decimate liberty in the Emerald Isle. The Irish people face being ordered by their woke government, under threat of jail, to acquiesce silently in their country’s colonization via migration.


Given the belief that “All We Are Is Dust in the Wind,” it’s no wonder abortion has become a sacrament and political trump card for the Democrat party.  When children become items placed on a monetary or hedonistic cost-benefit scale within a largely materialistic framework, the “rational” argument for even a single time-consuming, diaper-soiling critter is hard to make.  Only the vestiges of maternal and paternal instincts remain, and these have been disparaged for decades by activists who see a fetus (not a baby) as an invasive mass akin to a tumor.  Moreover, if allowed to escape the womb, this foreign object will detract from a mother’s ability to achieve income equality with non-burdened competitors within her professional cohort.

It’s been said that when persons no longer believe in God, they don’t believe in nothing; they’ll believe in anything.


We learned more about what’s really going on behind the scenes at Disney last year, when leaked audio showed a Disney producer boast about her efforts at “adding queerness to” children’s programming. “Our leadership over there has been so welcoming to my, like, not-at-all-secret gay agenda,” said Latoya Raveneau, an executive producer for Disney Television Animation. “I was just, wherever I could, just basically adding queerness. … No one would stop me and no one was trying to stop me.”


FDA Shuts Down Enquiries about DNA Contamination in Covid Vaccines  Put simply, the FDA acknowledges the possibility that fragments of DNA left over by the manufacturing process can be incorporated into a patient’s own DNA, to potentially cause cancer.

FDA and WHO guidelines consider the amount of residual DNA in a single dose of traditional vaccine should not exceed 10 ng (one billionth of a gram).

But this limit – used for traditional vaccines – is unlikely to be relevant to the mRNA vaccines whose lipid nanoparticles can penetrate inside cells to deliver the mRNA efficiently.


These people experienced complications from weight-loss drugs. Here's what it's like.  Weight-loss drugs have exploded in popularity over the last year, with people filling social media with their success stories. But these medications come with potential risks — and some are more serious than others.

As drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy and Zepbound become household names, there is an increasing number of testimonies from former patients about a range of complications they've experienced while taking the medications. Stomach paralysis, gastrointestinal illness and suicidal thoughts are just a few of the problems patients have dealt with.


With respect to EVs as fire hazards, according to a report presented to the Huntsville, Ontario, Council at its General Committee meeting on May 24 by Deputy Fire Chief Paul Calleja, the instability is caused by “an internal short circuit and is a violent chemical reaction that takes place causing the battery cell to rupture.” 

Extremely high temperatures are produced, as well as gas, particulates, and/or shrapnel. “A vehicle fire involving an Electric Vehicle (EV) where the batteries experience Thermal Runaway  will require approximately 12,000L (3,000G) – 16,000L (4,000G) of water and can take up to 4 hours to extinguish.”

There have been hundreds of EV fires in New York City alone, injuring 66 people and killing 13.

-“Look at the whole system if you’re trying to eliminate global warming.”
-“The Chinese are saying 2060 and India is now saying 2070. What does that tell you?” “There’s zero -chance that the twelve major automakers will find enough nickel to make their batteries.”
-“The amount of metal we need doesn’t exist currently in a way that’s green or sustainable. It’s apparent to any readily intelligible person.”
-“How can we stop burning coal and oil and not have an energy transition?”


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