Monday, January 22, 2024

Schools across US face massive enrollment decline; Portland’s Encampment Kids...more

Whether it be homeschooling or private schools, a growing number of parents are opting to remove their children from public schools in search of an alternative. As public schools continue to become a place for radical left ideology, including critical race theory and transgenderism, it should come as no surprise that many Americans are seeking a better education for students.


Around this city, good people see what they describe as the collapse of the child-welfare system and feel helpless to fix it. They see the dangers that drugs, homelessness, and violence pose for kids. And they wonder how their fellow citizens can turn a blind eye. Child welfare, though, is a problem not as visible. It “requires a deeper level of understanding,” Kinney says. “It goes over people’s heads.”


White Americans are Quiet Quitting our Leading Institutions There is debate among scholars as to the extent of the quiet quitting phenomenon, but there is increasing evidence that white Americans are increasingly quiet quitting America’s leading institutions. And the possible implications of that for American society are profound...
Little surprise then, that more and more young whites, especially young white men, are looking at the overall environment and saying, “Thanks, but no thanks,” to our leading institutions. Last week, the armed forces announced that the number of white recruits had fallen precipitously over the last five years.

Is Self-Service Checkout Being Cashiered? One study shows that retailers who rely heavily on this technology have double the industry loss rate...  It seems the average theft is $120, with an estimated 10 percent of scammer scanners accounting for 67 percent of these losses. Apparently, there are three ways to rob a store: 1) a gun, 2) go to a big city, fill up your arms with stuff, and just walk out, and 3) chisel the store out of products at self-checkout. Image


Joy Reid: LGBT Kids ‘Feel Seen’ By Books About Child Rape   Fresh off expressing hatred for the skin color of most Iowans, the MSNBC host openly defends taxpayer funding for stories about child rape...
...Why does Reid compare putting black kids into public school with putting pornography about strap-on sex toys into schools? That offensively implies black kids are obscene and immoral. Reid may not be capable of articulating it, but this is yet another incoherent and evil fruit of the intersectionality doctrine that falsely claims all allegedly “oppressed” groups have a right to express hostility against white and heterosexual people.


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