Saturday, August 31, 2024

Fairest Lord Jesus

Fairest Lord Jesus 
New Life Worship

News and Views: August 31, 2024

WHAT IS the real purpose of abortion providers such as the British Pregnancy Advisory Service? Given the vast amounts of state funding that come their way, is their primary function to provide safe terminations instead of the notorious back-street abortions of the past? Is it more about keeping women in the workplace rather than on maternity leave? Or is there a broader social mission, purportedly to reduce the burden of unwanted children, but really to reduce the population?


The advent of social media has caused a nearly universal sea change in the fundamentals of daily life for every child and teenager who has access to a smartphone. There is no need to cite statistics on how much time a young person with a smartphone spends on it. Just a circumspice (look around you) will show that unless some powerful outside force intervenes, kids will use literally every spare minute engaged in keeping up with social media posts and rumours and all the other stuff that goes on in their personal cyberspace.


(Having just seen the movie "Reagan", thought I'd post this...)


ASU professors: U.S. ‘hates women,’ faces future of cannibalism, ‘forced breeding camps’  Two professors discussed dismantling capitalism and electing a female president to restore reproductive rights, and warned of a dystopian future with “cannibalism” and “forced breeding camps"...



Friday, August 30, 2024

News and Views: August 30, 2024

The policies are moving forward much the same way when Biden is asleep or awake, at the nerve center of government or with his eyes shut in the sun. America is being run by the people tasked with implementing those policies. Rather than taking orders from the top, the United States government, such as it is, is a decentralized cell structure of networked radicals.
   These radicals are proceeding on their various missions, whether it’s persecuting cops, ‘queering the nuclear arsenal’, stealing money and passing it along to leftist groups or empowering Iran, in much the same way that they have all along. Now they no longer have to worry about being asked to perform for a confused old man at 1616 Pennsylvania Avenue.


How to destroy a nation in five easy steps   IF YOU were a malign power wishing to destroy a country, but you didn’t want to go to the expense in lives and money of a military invasion, how would you go about it?
   Certain steps can be taken to undermine and ultimately to destroy the culture and the cohesive identity of a people. The United Kingdom today functions as a laboratory where we can witness them being played out in real time. Here are some of them...
...Those who govern us have ridden roughshod over the wishes and deep instincts of the people. As a result the UK is in its greatest danger since 1945 and the end of WWII. If the establishment did not realise that there would be growing discontent eventually reaching the outpouring of unlawful and violent rioting as we have seen recently, they are not fit to govern.
   If we are ever to recover our country and our culture, it is imperative that we first recover our church, the institution which shaped our culture. This is a task for all biblical Christians whether by prayer, encouragement or action. The recovery begins with us. [Read it all!]


Calgary judge Karen Molle has proclaimed Canadian pastor guilty of “criminal harassment” for protesting a "drag queen story time” for children that a city library was hosting early this year.


Kamala Harris’s ‘Tax Armageddon‘ Is a ‘Giant Leap Toward Socialism‘   Raising the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%: This 33% tax hike would make American businesses less competitive globally. Combined with state levies, it would make American corporations among the highest taxed in the developed world. The country would return to the bad old days of corporate inversions, where businesses flee offshore to reduce their tax costs.

Harris's $5 Trillion Tax Plan Includes a Probably Unconstitutional Tax on Unrealized Capital Gains  The tax on "unrealized capital gains" would be unconstitutional because it violates the apportionment clause (Section 2, 14th Amendment) It's a "direct tax" on income that doesn't exist.
   "The Constitution forbids Congress from levying any direct tax unless it is apportioned among the states in proportion to the population. A direct tax is a tax on property (which includes money), or the income derived from property, which cannot be shifted onto someone else," explains Heritage.

...And Trump wanted $5 billion for his wall.


Blue Cities Like Philadelphia Feed Citizens’ Private Data To Democrat Vote-Harvesting Outfit   The data collection is widespread, going well beyond Philadelphia. The FastAction service can collect user data through many well-known Democrat political campaigns. It reaches across the country, collecting data through issues-based websites promoting partisan environmental concerns, advocating for abortion, and seeking fracking bans.
   This quiet but immense network of data collection can be harnessed to win elections for Democrats. Republicans do not appear to possess a similar level of sophistication.


The Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury are accused of abandoning the defence of the Bible

The Chief Rabbi of South Africa has issued a fierce attack on the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope for what he says is their “rejection of the Bible”,  and their support for a ruling by the International Court of Justice that Israel’s presence in the West Bank and east Jerusalem was unlawful. (YouTube screenshot)


Where is the global outrage and global sympathy? Why are the only people triggering marches and protests the jihad-loving Gazans? Where is the horror over bloody persecution of African Christians? The Biden-Harris administration even removed Nigeria from the list of countries of particular concern for religious freedom!


This summer, my husband and I took a cruise through the breathtakingly magnificent fjords of Norway and Denmark, making stops at towns and villages along the way. At the heart of every little hamlet stands a lovely wooden (or stone, if the wooden original had burned down) church. And, invariably, our guides would tell us, with differing degrees of satisfaction, that “no one in Norway or Denmark goes to church anymore.” The devout Lutheranism of my ancestors, which so shaped and defined my grandparents and parents, is dead and buried. 
   According to the guides, the question now is what to do with all of the church buildings. Parishes are no longer capable of taking care of them, so the upkeep must be paid for by the city and state. In most cases, the churches, if open at all, have become “cultural centers” for concerts and plays, and are well maintained. [First Things]


‘Smart toys’ are moonlighting as data scientists, watching ‘every move’ children make during playtime   Remember when toys were simple? A stuffed animal was just a stuffed animal, and the only data it collected was the occasional ketchup stain or grass mark from outdoor adventures. But in today’s digital age, your child’s favorite playmate might be secretly moonlighting as a miniature surveillance device, collecting data on everything from playtime habits to personal preferences.
   Welcome to the brave new world of smart toys, where every playtime could be a potential privacy pitfall. Image


Thursday, August 29, 2024

News and Views: August 29, 2024

We’re Seeing the Death of ‘Woke,’ Discriminatory ESG Corporate Policies   In other words, the global investment firm is telling their shareholders that woke ideologies don’t pay. In fact, they’re likely to cost corporations in the long run. It turns out that investors don’t want their money going to push public policies that violate the law. They want business to be about business. Public policy is best left to politicians, who voters can hold accountable at the ballot box.
   They’re not the only ones. Famed American brands are learning that woke policies don’t pay the bills. Harley-Davidson CEO Jochen Zeitz brought German ESG thinking to the American icon and now fans of the rumbling motorcycles are up in arms. A video of Zeitz from 2020 surfaced where he said, “We are trying to take on traditional capitalism and trying to redefine it.” Harley-Davidson responded quicker than the kill switch on their bikes and announced it was scaling back their ESG programs.


Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid, of European Social Media Censorship  The detention of Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, by French police is a cautionary tale for how European bureaucratic internet control mechanisms can affect platforms used by millions of Americans.

For many years now conservatives and Christians have been claiming that there is indeed a very real leftist cancel culture out there; there is very real censorship taking place; and there is the Big State and Big Media and Big Tech that seem to be working overtime to suppress truth and information that is not to their liking.
   Of course whenever we bring this up we are accused of being paranoid, of being nutters, of being conspiracy theorists, and so on. But what happens when the head honchos start admitting these very things?


Pro-Abortionists Attacked Chicago Catholic Pregnancy Center During DNC  Volunteers at a Catholic pregnancy center in Chicago arrived to work the morning after the DNC wrapped, only to find their doors were cemented shut by vandals, Catholic News Agency reports.
   “FAKE CLINIC" and "“THE DEAD BABIES ARE IN GAZA" were scrawled in giant red letters across the front windows of the nonprofit Aid for Women.
   The group also found dripping gobs of red paint splattered over the rest of the building’s entrance. Security footage reportedly caught the vandals committing the crime at 3 a.m. on August 23.


Catherine Herridge Has Full Readout of FBI Briefing on Trump Assassination Attempt 


Group Of Illegal Aliens Attempt To ‘Hijack’ School Buses Full of Kids In California [VIDEOS]  The Jamul-Dulzura Union School District has reported two incidents over consecutive days where migrants attempted to board school buses along their routes.
   These attempts have led to temporary interruptions and adjustments in the school bus operations within the district as officials respond to ensure the safety of students.

CalFIRE confirms that illegals are setting wildfires out in San Diego's back country   They set up campfires wherever they want. They set wildfires to attract border agents to pick them up and transport them to their destinations of choice. They burn down border vehicles because they don't like the Border Patrol. It's shocking what they will do whenever they want something, given the danger of the fire risk and just how big and catastrophic these fires can get once they get out of control. Sound like the kind of people who might rape and murder, too, once they go through catch-and-release?

Study: Illegal aliens cost taxpayers $150 billion in just one year  The expression “lies, damn lies, and statistics” originated in the 19th century but still resonates today. Keep that expression in mind when open-border Democrats tell you that those illegal aliens pouring in are great for the American economy. That’s a statistic backed by phony accounting and hides the truth about the serious drag illegal aliens place on the economy and the money they take from all our pockets.

California Democrats Pass Bill Offering Up To $150K In Assistance For Illegals To Buy Homes  California Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher slammed the bill in a statement.
“I didn’t know it was possible to make the border crisis and the housing crisis worse with just one vote,” the assembly leader said. “But Democrats found a way. Giving taxpayer-funded housing subsidies to illegal immigrants will drive costs even higher and encourage more chaos at the border. This is crazy and it needs to stop.”


Journalist Sharyl Attkisson details cancel of hydroxychloroquine, in new book 'Follow the Science'   "Dr. O’Neill is a world-renowned leader in interventional cardiology, famous for 'pioneering research in new techniques to diagnose and treat heart attacks.' He’s not only an eminent researcher; he’s also a clinician. 
   "When we first spoke, he’d already prescribed hydroxychloroquine, before the government limited its use, to numerous Covid patients. He tells me he saw improvement in all of them. Real-world, firsthand evidence directly from a scientist involved!"


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

News and Views: August 28, 2024

This is a bipartisan unity ticket. As one person put it: “It’s no longer Republicans vs. Democrats. It’s now the Trump-RFK Freedom Alliance vs. the Dark Side of Authoritarianism.” You got folks like ex-Dem Tulsi Gabbard, X’s Elon Musk, RFK Jr., and others combining with Trump and Vance to stand up for values, versus the corrupt Democrat machine that knifed Biden in the back and has totally controlled who is running for office.
   As Kennedy said: “The DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for Vice President Harris based upon nothing. No policies, no interviews, no debates, only smoke and mirrors and balloons in a highly produced Chicago circus.” Yep – so much for democracy.


The Real Roman Redo: The Decline and Fall of the Postmodern Empire  Postmodernism’s Roman resemblance was an alien invasion of ideas and expectations from the old world to the new, frankly incompatible with the traditional American character. It’s why such a deep divide exists between the citizens and governing classes right now. We are living in different countries.
   The elites want to persist in their imposed Rome, a kind of transplanted kingdom run by patricians for patricians. We the people want the United States, with the liberty and justice for all that is our birthright as Americans. Something’s got to give.
   Postmodernism has lost. The highly networked new aristocracy of the well connected, and the absurd Bizarro world set of notions they developed as social signaling, are collapsing under the weight of diabolical lies and delusions. This is the fallen society that is crumbling before our eyes, and good riddance. [Don't miss!]

Moreover, the prosperity that Europe enjoyed attracted those who sought to benefit from its advantages without integrating into its social fabric. These migrants, instead of assimilating, have often sought to transform Europe from within. Unlike previous waves of immigrants, many among the recent Muslim influx have shown little interest in integrating into the European vision. Instead, they often seek to impose their own values on their host countries, leading to escalating friction and, in some instances, outright violence. The rise of Islamist extremism in Europe is not merely a security threat;
it is the symptom of a deeper cultural crisis. Europe, having lost confidence in its own identity, is now struggling to defend the very values it professes to uphold.


Thousands of Non-Citizens Previously Cast Ballots in Texas   More than 6,500 of those removed from the voter rolls are noncitizens. Abbott's office claimed that 1,930 of those individuals — approximately 30% — had voted in previous elections.

Newsweek: I Clean Homes and Drive for DoorDash. Yes, Undocumented Immigrants Are Taking Our Jobs  "I have seen undocumented immigrants using fraudulent credentials, AI generated credentials, and just stolen identities to get employment. As far as I can tell, America has no policy or procedure to identify fraudulent credentials."


Crazed Kamala Supporters Attack Arlington National Cemetery Director for Allowing Trump To Lay Wreaths on Soldiers’ Graves   A spokeswoman for the Arlington National Cemetery told the Washington Free Beacon that Trump "was invited by a Gold Star family to participate in a public wreath-laying ceremony and was afforded the same access to ANC ground and facilities as afforded to other unofficial visitors."
    "Our focus was on supporting our Gold Star families as they came to honor and pay respect to their loved ones at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and their final resting place," said the spokeswoman.


Under Tim Walz, Minnesota Banned Christians From Teaching In Public Schools   Starting next July, Minnesota agencies controlled by Walz appointees will require teacher license applicants to affirm transgenderism and race Marxism. Without a teaching license, individuals cannot work in Minnesota public schools, nor in the private schools that require such licenses...
...Since 2020 in Minnesota, teachers renewing their licenses, which is usually required every five to seven years, must demonstrate “cultural competency” similar to the requirements imposed in 2025 on new teaching licensees. Teachers renewing their licensing must “Show[] evidence of self-reflection and discussion of” topics that include “Gender Identity, Including Transgender Students” and “Sexual Orientation.” They must also show they understand “bias” in themselves and their students related to race, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other cultural Marxist categories.


The Passover ploy: How to hide ethnic studies curriculum from pesky Jews  To keep a left-wing ethnic studies curricula "under the radar," education officials proposed scheduling board meetings on Jewish holidays to prevent Jewish critics from attending, according to supporting evidence added to a suit against Santa Ana Unified School District. Image


Tennessee School Expels 10-Year-Old for Making a Finger Gun  The fifth-grader was punished as part of a law that requires students who make threats of "mass violence" be expelled for at least a year.


Hundreds of doctors resign from British Medical Association over its support for puberty blockers   “By lobbying against the best evidence we have, the BMA is going against the principles of evidence-based medicine and against ethical practice,” the doctors wrote, in an almost unprecedented broadside against their own union in protest of the BMA’s brazen transgender activism.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

News and Views: August 27, 2024

One Abhorrent Moment From the DNC Snuck Under the Radar — Until Now It turns out that a top Kamala Harris surrogate bashed the Bill of Rights as "that little piece of paper" and urged Democrats to "reimagine democracy" on Day 1 of the DNC.

They came hoping for Beyoncé. They left with Covid. 
   Fresh off of a jam-packed week of Democratic National Convention events, reports of attendees’ testing positive for Covid are rolling in. 
   They include members of Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign staff, who are now contending with sickness from Covid, according to two sources close to the campaign with knowledge of the cases. There is at least some concern the developments could affect staffing at events this week, they added.


Trump-Appointed Judge Temporarily Blocks Biden’s Attempt to Give Amnesty and Pathway to Citizenship to Over a Million Illegal Aliens  Both Paxton and America First Legal celebrated the ruling, pointing out that it incentivized criminality. 
   “We have temporarily BLOCKED Biden’s unlawful new “parole in place” program,” Paxton wrote on the X platform. “Biden’s unconstitutional scheme would have rewarded over 1 million illegal aliens with the opportunity for citizenship after breaking our country’s laws—and incentivized countless more.”

Taxpayer-Funded Org Giving Only Migrants Home Down Payments   Diehl slammed the injustice of the program. “American citizens in Oregon are struggling to find and buy a home. We have a severe housing shortage in this state,” he emphasized. “I am appalled that the hard-earned, limited tax dollars of Oregonians are being used to prioritize home ownership for certain non-U.S. citizens. Oregon can’t end this state-sponsored discrimination soon enough.” If only the Democrats in control of the state cared about justice — but they don’t.


New Zealand to push through law to reverse ban on oil and gas exploration... (wonder why?)  The previous centre-left Labour-led government banned offshore petroleum exploration.
Natural gas production fell by 12.5% in 2023 and a further 27.8% in the first three months of 2024, triggering a nationwide energy shortage as generators switched to more coal and diesel to power the grid, Energy Minister Simeon Brown said.


Will Health Moms be the difference this election?  I think they just might.


In Stunning Letter to Congress, Zuckerberg Admits Biden-Harris Regime Forced Fascistbook to Censor Content In a stunning Monday evening letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, Zuckerberg admitted that senior Biden administration officials “repeatedly pressured” Facebook teams to suppress information related to COVID-19 that the platform would not have otherwise censored – and the administration ‘expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree.’


The Red Revolution: Chicago to Open State-Run Grocery Stores Imagine the implications for social control once the state owns the production and distribution of food from start to finish. Or don’t imagine it; just read a history book on, just as one example, the Great Leap Forward.
(Great Leap Forward: Millions of people died in mainland China during the Great Leap, with estimates ranging from 15 to 55 million, making the Great Chinese Famine the largest or second-largest famine in human history...) 


Recent Events Prove Western Nations Are Highly Vulnerable To Cyber Calamity  I believe a cyber attack is the next most likely global disaster. We weathered covid and defeated the draconian mandates. The economy is in the midst of a stagflation crisis but the system is still operating. But what if the next ploy is a complete shutdown of the web and a fast moving financial collapse?
   Figuring out who triggered the breakdown would be nearly impossible. We could suspect, but proving who did it is another matter. In the meantime, western officials controlled by globalist interests could lock down internet traffic and eliminate alternative media platforms they don’t like, giving the public access to corporate news sources only.


Monday, August 26, 2024

News and Views: August 26, 2024

Viewers of the four-day Democratic National Convention were treated to more than a political gathering.  They saw a spectacle that has been the equivalent of a four-day-long religious retreat.  The services proved that the religious impulse never dies.  It just takes on new shapes and forms reflecting the core values of devotees.
    Observers saw a number of quasi-religious ceremonies, including a liturgical procession of pilgrims dressed in white costumes symbolizing abortion pills.
    Potential converts also were invited to visit a small chapel in the form of a van placed by Planned Parenthood.  There, disciples of the religion/political cult could observe the initiation rites deemed necessary for entrance into the realm of the 144,000 chosen of the left.

Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels said that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. 
   Democrats and their media lapdogs know this very well and apply it assiduously.
   How ironic then that Democrats call Republicans 'Nazis' yet themselves follow the Goebbels Nazi propaganda playbook.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Removes Over One Million Ineligible Voters From Voter Rolls  The number includes over 500,000 dead people and 6,500 illegal aliens.


The Quiet Before the Storms in Ukraine, Gaza, and Taiwan?  Confusion and strategic pauses for the brief moment mark all these conflicts. In part, the hiatuses arose because of uncertainty surrounding the murky intentions and role of the United States. The latter is bogged down in an unpredictable if not bizarre election year, compounded by ambiguity about who is actually in control of the country and for how long, and who will be president after January 2025.


The Treason Of The Clerics: What Do You Do When Church Leaders Work To Wreck Your Civilization?  It’s a hell of a thing to realize that the leader of the one institution responsible more than any other for creating Western civilization — the Roman Catholic Church — is now actively working to dismantle that very civilization by opening the city gates, so to speak, wide to the invaders.

What do you even do with that if you are a Christian, Catholic or otherwise? German Reader is right. Do these sentimental clerics really think that life will go well for European Christians once the descendants of these migrants take power? How is life going for Christians in the Muslim world, eh? And even if they were to be religiously tolerant, there is still the matter of the erasure of distinct European cultures. The Great Replacement. And for what?


Navy Could Sideline 17 Support Ships Due to Manpower Issues  There just aren’t enough Merchant Marines to keep all the ships going at once, according to Rear Admiral (Ret.) Mark Montgomery, senior director of the Center on Cyber and Technology Innovation for the Foundation for Defense of Democracy, told Fox News Digital. Merchant Marines operate the many support vessels needed to keep the Navy running. 
   “The problem, of course, is the ships are at sea, away from home port 12 months of the year,” Montgomery said. “So you need two crews … we’re desperately short of the number of people.”
   “There’s a lack of experienced merchant mariners to crew the ships, and this is really a clear danger to national security,” Montgomery added. 


Now we learn that the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is forcing a new gender scandal on its upcoming games in Paris by qualifying a 50-year-old male sprinter from Italy, who has identified as Valentina Petrillo since 2019, to compete in women’s track and field. During the Paralympic games Aug. 28- Sept. 8, Petrillo is sure to overshadow the accomplishments of female athletes on the podium in Paris.

All-Cause Deaths Are Surging Among Covid-Vaxxed, Study Warns The authors raise serious concerns that a majority of observational studies showcasing the alleged effectiveness of Covid mRNA shots may be largely misleading.
   The study comes amid a growing body of evidence that highlights the significant risks associated with the mRNA injections.


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Come Back To Me...

Come Back To Me (Hosea) 
Sunday 7pm Choir

Come back to me with all your heart.
Don't let fear keep us apart.
Trees do bend, though straight and tall,
So must we to other's call.
Long have I waited for
Your coming home to me
 And living deeply our new life.

The wilderness will lead you
To your heart where I will speak.
Integrity and justice,
With tenderness, you shall know.
Long have I waited for
Your coming home to me
And living deeply our new life.

You shall sleep secure with peace;
Faithfulness will be your joy.
Long have I waited for
Your coming home to me
 And living deeply our new life.

Friday, August 23, 2024

News and Views: August 23, 2024


DNC Shows Sleeping Baby as Kamala Harris Pledges to Pass Abortion Bill 

 Tucker Carlson Reacts to Commiela's Speech: “This Woman‘s Really Scary”

ADL Leader Slams DNC: 'I Could Not Have Imagined a Time Jews Would Have To Meet in Secret Locations in Chicago'   The security concerns appeared justified. On Tuesday, pro-Hamas agitators disrupted a DNC event with hostage families hosted by Agudath Israel of America, an Orthodox Jewish group. The protesters shouted, "Zionism has got to fall" and "Shame on you" at attendees. Dozens of anti-Israel protesters were also arrested after clashing with police near the convention Tuesday night.
    Jewish Democratic leaders acknowledged the concerns about anti-Semitism at the DNC but also downplayed the divisions within their party.

And you should believe them. You should take people at their word when they tell you they want you dead or enslaved. Look at what Joe Biden said in that weird fascist speech a couple of years ago. He basically said that the other half of America is America’s enemy. So, what do you do to such enemies? What do you do to existential threats? Well, you don’t treat them with respect, and you certainly don’t let them have power no matter what. You do whatever you want. If that means locking up your political opponents, stifling free speech, and cheating in elections, fine. Those normal patriotic American citizens are really bad, so whatever the left does is OK.


Thanks to nearly a century and a half of gradual accumulation, these agencies have a permanent life. The employees cannot be fired except for egregious actions. And the elected president has no control over them. The president can appoint agency heads but then the battle becomes hundreds vs millions, and the hundreds of appointees are new at their jobs and easily driven out with a hint of financial impropriety, real or made up. The permanent class of middle-state bureaucrats with all the institutional knowledge know precisely where the power resides. It is with them.

Democrat ‘Dark Money’ Network Founder Wants The Names Of Conservative Donors For One Reason   All of this raises a question: If “dark money” is so beneficial to Democrats, why do the party’s leaders consistently push for new and expansive donor disclosure laws?
   The answer may be simple: Even when the left outspends the right, the value of silencing conservatives far exceeds the value of spending by left-leaning nonprofits.

----------------Some light-----------------

Court halts NY attorney general from violating pregnancy centers' freedom of speech...Federal court allows pro-life centers to tell women about abortion pill reversal option while case proceeds    “Women in New York have literally saved their babies from an in-progress chemical drug abortion because they had access to information through their local pregnancy centers about using safe and effective progesterone for abortion pill reversal. But the attorney general tried to deny women the opportunity to even hear about this life-saving option,” said ADF Senior Counsel Caleb Dalton, who argued before the court last week. Image

4 Planned Parenthood Locations to Close in New York, Babies Will be Saved   She added, “Albeit, this is great news to have more abortion center closures,” but these circumstances put a spotlight on “Planned Parenthood’s commitment to profit over people.” Ultimately, “They would rather stop doing abortions altogether than even fund pain control medicine for women during arduous late-term abortions.”
   Really, Davis contended, it’s the “pregnancy resource centers [that] offer real options and support to women and children without profiting off their misery. That’s why they flourish.” Additionally, the fact that pregnancy centers help women choose life instead of ending life explains “why New York Democrats, particularly [Attorney General] Letitia James, are trying so hard to shut them down state-wide.” Abortion activists, Davis argued, “don’t want alternatives to abortions and real choices offered to women.”


THERE is no doubt that ordinary people in Britain are anxious, alarmed and angry. The Southport stabbings were the catalyst, triggering protests and riots about long-smouldering tensions and fears over immigration which have, as John Wycliffe stated last week, been a long time coming. But instead of addressing these legitimate concerns, the Prime Minister lost no time in instigating draconian measures sentencing the ‘far-right thugs’ who had protested, some only from their armchairs, which has continued to provoke outrage and concern...


J6 Prisoner for 3+ Years With No Trial Gets News That Feds Aren't Done Torturing Him  We're told by people like Andy McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor, that it's unethical to stack similar charges against defendants to subject them to more penalties and loss of liberty. But that's exactly what Graves did to Lang. Using the law to settle political scores used to be at best unethical. Not so in a Merrick Garland, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris world.


A Canadian funeral home is making headlines, offering spaces for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) patients to end their own lives. The head of the funeral home described the practice as the natural next step for businesses of that industry. However a government spokesperson said that it is looking into the legality of funeral homes offering assisted dying services.

