Thursday, August 29, 2024

News and Views: August 29, 2024

We’re Seeing the Death of ‘Woke,’ Discriminatory ESG Corporate Policies   In other words, the global investment firm is telling their shareholders that woke ideologies don’t pay. In fact, they’re likely to cost corporations in the long run. It turns out that investors don’t want their money going to push public policies that violate the law. They want business to be about business. Public policy is best left to politicians, who voters can hold accountable at the ballot box.
   They’re not the only ones. Famed American brands are learning that woke policies don’t pay the bills. Harley-Davidson CEO Jochen Zeitz brought German ESG thinking to the American icon and now fans of the rumbling motorcycles are up in arms. A video of Zeitz from 2020 surfaced where he said, “We are trying to take on traditional capitalism and trying to redefine it.” Harley-Davidson responded quicker than the kill switch on their bikes and announced it was scaling back their ESG programs.


Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid, of European Social Media Censorship  The detention of Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, by French police is a cautionary tale for how European bureaucratic internet control mechanisms can affect platforms used by millions of Americans.

For many years now conservatives and Christians have been claiming that there is indeed a very real leftist cancel culture out there; there is very real censorship taking place; and there is the Big State and Big Media and Big Tech that seem to be working overtime to suppress truth and information that is not to their liking.
   Of course whenever we bring this up we are accused of being paranoid, of being nutters, of being conspiracy theorists, and so on. But what happens when the head honchos start admitting these very things?


Pro-Abortionists Attacked Chicago Catholic Pregnancy Center During DNC  Volunteers at a Catholic pregnancy center in Chicago arrived to work the morning after the DNC wrapped, only to find their doors were cemented shut by vandals, Catholic News Agency reports.
   “FAKE CLINIC" and "“THE DEAD BABIES ARE IN GAZA" were scrawled in giant red letters across the front windows of the nonprofit Aid for Women.
   The group also found dripping gobs of red paint splattered over the rest of the building’s entrance. Security footage reportedly caught the vandals committing the crime at 3 a.m. on August 23.


Catherine Herridge Has Full Readout of FBI Briefing on Trump Assassination Attempt 


Group Of Illegal Aliens Attempt To ‘Hijack’ School Buses Full of Kids In California [VIDEOS]  The Jamul-Dulzura Union School District has reported two incidents over consecutive days where migrants attempted to board school buses along their routes.
   These attempts have led to temporary interruptions and adjustments in the school bus operations within the district as officials respond to ensure the safety of students.

CalFIRE confirms that illegals are setting wildfires out in San Diego's back country   They set up campfires wherever they want. They set wildfires to attract border agents to pick them up and transport them to their destinations of choice. They burn down border vehicles because they don't like the Border Patrol. It's shocking what they will do whenever they want something, given the danger of the fire risk and just how big and catastrophic these fires can get once they get out of control. Sound like the kind of people who might rape and murder, too, once they go through catch-and-release?

Study: Illegal aliens cost taxpayers $150 billion in just one year  The expression “lies, damn lies, and statistics” originated in the 19th century but still resonates today. Keep that expression in mind when open-border Democrats tell you that those illegal aliens pouring in are great for the American economy. That’s a statistic backed by phony accounting and hides the truth about the serious drag illegal aliens place on the economy and the money they take from all our pockets.

California Democrats Pass Bill Offering Up To $150K In Assistance For Illegals To Buy Homes  California Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher slammed the bill in a statement.
“I didn’t know it was possible to make the border crisis and the housing crisis worse with just one vote,” the assembly leader said. “But Democrats found a way. Giving taxpayer-funded housing subsidies to illegal immigrants will drive costs even higher and encourage more chaos at the border. This is crazy and it needs to stop.”


Journalist Sharyl Attkisson details cancel of hydroxychloroquine, in new book 'Follow the Science'   "Dr. O’Neill is a world-renowned leader in interventional cardiology, famous for 'pioneering research in new techniques to diagnose and treat heart attacks.' He’s not only an eminent researcher; he’s also a clinician. 
   "When we first spoke, he’d already prescribed hydroxychloroquine, before the government limited its use, to numerous Covid patients. He tells me he saw improvement in all of them. Real-world, firsthand evidence directly from a scientist involved!"



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