Wednesday, October 09, 2024

News and Views: October 9, 2024

Hurricane Milton To Make Landfall In Florida Tonight With Life-Threatening Storm Surge, Winds, Flooding   "The track of Hurricane Milton continues to be a worst-case scenario for the Tampa Bay region southward to Charlotte", the National Weather Service in Tampa Bay said in a briefing Wednesday morning.


According to a Justice Department press release, "Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, 27, conspired and attempted to provide material support to ISIS and obtained firearms and ammunition to conduct a violent attack on U.S. soil in the name of ISIS." 
   Both Tawhedi and his juvenile co-conspirator were in the U.S. on Special Immigrant Visas. Tawhedi is married to the juvenile's sister. 
   "As part of the plot, the defendant allegedly took steps to liquidate his family’s assets, resettle members of his family overseas, acquire AK-47 assault rifles and ammunition, and commit a terrorist attack in the United States," the DOJ said. The suspect even made arrangements for the family's pets to be re-homed ahead of the attack.


The Left came into being by defining inequality as its signature problem. Since inequality is a factor of human nature and every attempt to solve it involves creating more inequality, it was the perfect unsolvable problem. But the primal leftist error was defining inequality in social and economic terms. Growing technology and social mobility made both social and economic inequality managable even as leftits were building up a full head of steam, toppling governments and setting off revolutions.

Unlike Biden In 2020, Kamala Harris’ Radicalism Is Too Extreme To Hide   Harris struggles to articulate coherent policy views in interviews, but when she’s comfortable, her far-left views flow out. Whether that’s related to bans on fracking, bans on meat, support for taxpayer-funded gender mutilation surgeries, support for widespread illegal immigration, or any of the other views she consistently held in office until she was coronated the 2024 presidential nominee, Harris’ radicalism is much more difficult to hide.


China Apparently HACKED Verizon, AT&T and Maybe U.S. Wiretap Systems Chinese government hackers penetrated the networks of several large US-based Internet service providers and may have gained access to systems used for court-authorized wiretaps of communications networks, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday. "People familiar with the matter" told the WSJ that hackers breached the networks of companies including Verizon, AT&T, and Lumen (also known as CenturyLink).

'Lack of Legal Guardrails': Hundreds of Millions of US Research Dollars are Helping China's Military, House Report Finds    The committee probed three American universities that operate research institutions with Chinese counterparts: the University of California, Berkeley, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the University of Pittsburgh.
   While these partnerships outwardly function "under the guise of academic cooperation," they actually "conceal a sophisticated system for transferring critical U.S. technologies and expertise to the PRC, including to blacklisted entities linked to China’s defense and security apparatus."


Survey Highlights the Impact of Mass Illegal Immigration on Schools  It's hard not to feel for these kids who don't have a say in their parents dragging them to an unfamiliar country. At the same time, you can't help but sympathize with the teachers and administrators who have also had no say in the minefield of issues that illegal immigrants have added to their already full plates.

"Chronic use among adolescents has been linked to long-term changes in brain architecture," the study authors say, "resulting in impaired information processing and decreased cognitive, memory and attentive capacity in adulthood."
   So what effect might these impairments have on academics?


Judge Refuses to Toss Lawsuit Against Deadspin Over Article Accusing 9-Year-Old NFL Fan of Racism   “Having reviewed the complaint, the court concludes that Deadspin’s statements accusing H.A. of wearing black face and Native headdress ‘to hate black people and the Native American at the same time,’ and that he was taught this hatred by his parents, are provable false assertions of fact and are therefore actionable,” Lugg added.

US Hospitals Raked In $120 Million Performing Sex Changes On Thousands Of Kids, New Data Shows  The top four states for sex-change procedures include California, New York, Washington and Ohio, with more than 1,000 children in each state undergoing the procedures. In California, 2,024 children received sex-change procedures, including 1,359 who received surgeries, for a total of $28.9 million in charges.



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