Friday, February 28, 2025

News and Views: February 28, 2025

The federal district court judge in Virginia on February 27, 2025 who previously stopped the CIA from firing their DEI employees, reversed himself and gave the go ahead for them to be fired. Here attached is the two page order in the case of John Doe v. US Office of the Director of National Intelligence.


As the aforementioned admirals noted, our Navy not only has fewer ships than we need, it doesn’t have enough sailors to man the ships we have. Compared to the damage rust causes, paint is cheap, yet it seems not to be a Navy priority. As with everything else in the government during the Harris/Biden years, DEI was the real priority, which may well have been a cause of the bad culture about which the Admirals spoke. It surely badly depressed recruitment. I suspect we’ll also discover it reduced entrance standards, saddling commanders with people who should not have been in the Navy.

And the Navy can do better than people who join for the training, but hate this country.
   I’m not trying to cast aspersions on the many Chinese-American members of the military who serve their country, but there is a problem with the recruitment of Chinese Communist nationals who have clearly remained loyal to China and who can’t be trusted in even the lowest positions in the military.


It’s time to scrap the asylum system  Granted, withdrawing the offer of unlimited asylum doesn’t sound very nice. Yet a functional state puts its citizenry first. Overwhelmingly, Americans and Europeans want to curtail mass immigration. Droves of poorly educated, low-skilled arrivals are diluting social cohesion, increasing criminality, depressing GDP per capita and costing the public hundreds of thousands of dollars, pounds or euros over their lifetimes. Why don’t our governments be nice to us? And if that means would-be righteous politicians feel less warm and fuzzy, there’s nothing warm and fuzzy about being a sucker.


Manliness Is Great Again: Trump Just Ended Biden's Hostile DEI Takeover of First Responders  This story slipped quietly under the radar, but it turns out that the Biden administration had been suing several police and fire departments for neutral recruiting practices that judged candidates on their mental and physical aptitude and not gender or race. In other words, the defendants were being sued for hiring those who could actually do the job instead of lowering their standards to meet bogus DEI quotas. And the Trump administration just put an official end to all that nonsense.

-----------------No Longer Great------------------

Britain Creeping Toward Legalizing Child Rape Some of the two-tier system of justice is based on a preference for people of color over ordinary Britons, but much of what I am seeing is a pretty open tolerance for abusing children for sexual pleasure.

UK trans-identified male charged with rape, sexual abuse of children dies by suicide before court hearing 

UK: Rape Gang Hotspot Receives ‘Town of Culture’ Award 

‘Trust in Allah’ Signs Blanket London as King Charles Hands Out Ramadan Treats 


Scott Jennings Should Get Hazard Pay After Having to Deal With Insane Claims About Trump 


Thursday, February 27, 2025

The need for solitude and quietness...

The need for solitude and quietness was never greater than it is today. What the world will do about it is their problem. Apparently the masses want it the way it is, and the majority of Christians are so completely conformed to this present age that they, too, want things the way they are. They may be annoyed a bit by the clamor and by the goldfish-bowl existence they live, but apparently they are not annoyed enough to do anything about it.  -A.W. Tozer

News and Views: February 27, 2025

When a culture decides that its core values and beliefs are not worth defending, and are even immoral and outdated, then that culture is in a bad way. And when you bring into that culture thousands or millions of people from other cultures who see their own cultures as superior, then that host culture really is in big trouble.
   Lastly, when those new arrivals refuse to integrate, but instead spend their time warring against the host culture, declaring it to be evil and in need of replacement, then you know that culture is finished. We are now of course living through all this in the West. Places like England and Europe are in advanced stages of this self-immolation. Image


Pentagon Will Track Down And Discharge Transgender Service Members   “Service members who have a current diagnosis or history of, or exhibit symptoms consistent with, gender dysphoria will be processed for separation from military service,” the memo says. The campaign will be carried out in two phases. First, the Pentagon will have 30 days to create a process for identifying and cataloguing every transgender service member. Discharges must commence within the next 30 days. Discharges will be "honorable" unless the individual's record makes a lesser classification appropriate. 


JD Vance Breaks Another Taboo: Europe’s Christians Are Being Persecuted  Scottish woman arrested for “silent vigil,” UK veteran for an anti-gender ideology post, Päivi Räsänen prosecuted for quoting the Bible… Where were the defenders of liberal values then?


One of my colleagues heads a surgical residency at an elite medical institution and has served as his certifying board’s examiner for nearly 20 years, overseeing the certification of young surgeons. He has noted two changes during this period. First, many candidates for certification complete their surgeries slowly—taking, for example, seven hours to complete an operation that should take at most four. The problem is so widespread that some insurers have put a cap on anesthesia reimbursement for cases that take too long, even though it is the surgeon, not the anesthesiologist, who determines the duration of the procedure. 
     Second, and relatedly, my colleague noted a rise in patients’ post-operative complications. This makes sense, since operating time is one of the determinants of surgical-complication rates.


The Education Exodus: Homeschool co-operatives...are not merely fleeing America’s public schools; they are forging a defiant stand against a cultural tide   Public schools, once cradles of civic virtue, have morphed into laboratories of progressive conformity.  Curricula steeped in Critical Race Theory cast the Founding Fathers as villains, not visionaries.  Gender ideology supplants biology with fluidity, shrouding childhood in confusion.  Climate dogma peddles guilt over reason, priming youth for a collectivist future rather than a free one.  Growing numbers of parents, especially conservatives, see schools as hostile to their values — a shift evident in rising discontent over the past decade.


Donald Trump starts first Cabinet meeting with opening prayer from Scott Turner

National Security NIGHTMARE: How Radical Trans Activists Hijacked America’s Spy Agencies  The whistleblower explained that things started out on a small scale about a decade ago -- a meeting here, a potluck there. Couched as "employee resource groups," staffers were gathered to discuss things like racism, veterans issues and, of course, gay pride. Said the whistleblower: "Then it started to get more and more. Instead of just one day a month, it was one week a month, or the whole month."
   Things got really out of hand.
   And then everything became Pride...


That's something I've learned while covering her, something many people don't know about her — she's got a soft spot for children, particularly foster children. During an interview on "Fox & Friends" last month, she actually mentioned that she's thinking about bringing back and expanding her "Be Best" initiative, which was aimed at preventing and overcoming cyberbullying. It sort of faltered because many platforms wouldn't support it.


Rep. Laurel Libby, a Republican who represents the Maine's 64th district, has served in the State House of Representatives since 2020, but currently, she's unable to vote or speak on the House floor unless she issues an apology. Her specific crime? Pointing out that a high school boy named John-turned-Katie won the girl's pole-vaulting state championship in Maine. The year before, he participated as a boy pole vaulter and came in fifth place...

Maine Public Schools Are Collapsing As Children Of Illegal Migrants Pour Into The State  According to the latest data from the National Center for Education Statistics, only 33% of fourth graders are proficient in math, while just 26% meet reading standards. Older students fare even worse, with only 25% proficient in math and 26% in reading, placing Maine 38th nationwide.
   The decline comes as schools prioritize the children of illegal migrants, a group welcomed by the state’s politicians and employers, according to Brietbart.


Do No Harm: What Is Wrong With the American Academy of Pediatrics?   Over the last few years, the American Academy of Pediatrics has pushed Hamas propaganda, thus lending its credentials and "legitimacy" to championing the cause of an alleged colonel in a child-murdering and -kidnapping terrorist organization.  It has advocated radical gender ideology and scientifically-dubious sex changes for children that have been disavowed by other medical professionals (suicide-related demagoguery in favor of these practices has been exposed as questionable-to-debunked).  And it has actively supported decrees for the forcible masking of three year olds.  This is a medical association that ostensibly exists to help children, but on issue after issue, extremist politics seems to be a major animating force within the organization.  Parents should be on high alert when considering any advice or guidance emanating from this group -- and at the very least, AAP has demonstrated that a second opinion is necessary.


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

News and Views: February 26, 2025

57 Maine School Districts Hide Kids’ Gender Dysphoria From Parent...Democrat Maine Gov. Janet Mills is attempting to thwart federal civil rights law to allow the grooming of children in schools   The students who claim to be transgender can also use restrooms and locker rooms that match their new “identity” — girls can be forced to use the restroom with boys and undress in front of them as well. Staff and students are forced to use the “preferred pronouns” of the students who make the “gender identity” claims.


A series of audacious train robberies has been reported in the Mojave Desert, most of them targeting freight trains carrying Nike sneakers. At least 10 heists have occurred since March 2024, with all but one involving the theft of expensive footwear.


For the first time in decades, a new study shows that the proportion of Americans identifying as Christian has stopped its long-term decline, holding steady at 62%. Meanwhile, the number of religiously unaffiliated individuals, though still high, has leveled off after decades of growth.


Data Points:  At this time the PRC Navy consists of over 400 ships, 225 armed Chinese Coast Guard ships of 500 tons or more, and vast numbers of its Maritime Militia.  Against these forces, the U. S. ‘s 7th Fleet presently has ~50-70 ships in the vicinity of China or our allies in the Pacific.  This mismatch is staggering and only getting worse by the day.

Chinese Warships Challenge Australia as a Maritime Power   China’s naval demonstration on Australia’s east coast should serve a reminder of our vulnerability, and a warning that addressing this vulnerability requires Australia to truly recognise its place as a maritime power. Our future prosperity and security depend on it.


DNI Gabbard Orders Firing of Members of Pornographic LGBTQ Chat Groups in the Intelligence Community  All of this not only calls into question why we allow mentally unstable people access to highly classified information but also the degree of complicity of IC managers in permitting these channels to operate once they had stopped being support groups and became hangouts for all manner of perverts. Image


Unearthed FOIA docs…Biden changed TSA guidelines to make it easier for illegals to fly  According to Breanna’s work, the TSA agents were using the “CBP One” app. They would snap photos of illegal immigrants and run their biometrics through CBP records. This allowed illegals without any valid documentation to just waltz through security as long as they had a boarding pass.


The Anti-Semitic Takeover of the Health and Education Industries  The problem with the Sydney nurses and George Washington University’s retaliation against Jewish students is that they are emblematic, not exceptional. Unless you believe that the only cases of anti-Semitism are the ones that have been found, it’s time to face the widespread reality of dangerous, consequential Jew-hatred throughout some of the world’s most important industries and institutions.

Atlanta Pastor Calls Black Trump Supporters 'Coons' and 'Runaway Slaves'  Bryant, who has openly praised Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan for years and who campaigned with Kamala Harris during the 2024 presidential election, continued, “I ain’t afraid of the spooks who sit at the door. These runaway slaves hidin’ in the White House gon’ throw my picture up thinkin’ I’m gonna be afraid.”


Did Someone Tamper With the Water in Prescott Valley, and Why Isn't This a Bigger Story?   Call me a tinfoil hat radge, but a years-long pattern of attacks against our drinking water utilities strikes me as something to keep an eye on. It's important, if for no other reason than to perhaps alert We the People to keep a closer watch for strangers in smaller towns, especially those climbing security fences near water tanks, and maybe update us on what evidence, if any, has been found.


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

News and Views: February 25, 2025

This episcopal loudness signals the end of the USCCB’s scrupulously-maintained four-year vow of silence through the entire presidency of the “devoutly” Catholic Joe Biden.
   Their silence spoke volumes to Catholics witnessing Biden doing his utmost to wage open war on the most fundamental teachings of the Church. Not only was this “‘good Catholic’” (Biden claimed Pope Francis described him this way during a 2021 audience), the most extreme pro-abortion president in history, but his DoJ used federal law enforcement to imprison peaceful pro-lifers, and target traditional Catholics as “potential domestic terrorists.”
   Biden proclaimed “transgender equality” to be “the civil rights issue of our time,” and weaponized his administration to pressure international medical experts to abandon limits on trans surgeries for minors. He transformed the White House lawn into a Pride Celebration freakshow of gender deviants, which went viral thanks to one particularly repulsive “transgender woman” flashing his fake breasts for the cameras.
   None of this stirred the USCCB to “raise its voice loudly.”


Along with Illegal Immigrants, Infectious Diseases are Crossing America’s Border   TB is just one of many diseases that can cross the border into the US. Other infectious diseases, such as scabies, MRSA staph infections, hepatitis, measles, and chicken pox, can also be introduced. Researchers at Boston Medical Center found that “Immigrants have ongoing links with populations in their countries of origin that may provide a channel through which infectious diseases potentially can be introduced to new areas.”
   Scientific American warns of tropical diseases that are “endemic in warmer, wetter, and poorer areas of the world, often closer to the equator,” such as schistosomiasis, Chagas disease, dengue, and Chikungunya, making their way to the U.S. as “immigration may become a greater disease pipeline.”
   Polio has been eradicated in much of the world but remains endemic in three countries: Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Nigeria. Additionally, polio has reemerged in Venezuela, as reported by CNN. Currently, 770,000 Venezuelan migrants are living in the U.S.  Image


 I am writing here of the boat people being smuggled across the English Channel from France. More than 150,000 have arrived since 2018, when numbers were first recorded. All but the merest trickle of that number have landed this past five years since Brexit came into force on the last day of January 2020.
   Prior to that, Britain could, under EU rules, return the invaders to France. As an independent nation, however, maritime law forbids Britain from undertaking such action unilaterally without the prior agreement of France. Such agreement is not, of course, forthcoming.
   So the British authorities meekly bring the invaders ashore and permit them to apply for asylum from the horrors of ethnic, religious, and political oppression … in France, whence they embarked.

U.K. to Raise Military Spending to 2.5% of G.D.P. by 2027, Starmer Says  Mr. Trump has long demanded that European allies contribute more to Europe’s defense. NATO’s secretary general, Mark Rutte, recently called on NATO members to spend “considerably more” than 3 percent of economic output on defense.


NSA Intelligence Sharing Chatroom Filled With Transgender Fetishism Discussion The NSA spies on all of us but didn't know that their employees are using an official chat system to discuss their sexual perversions, swap stories about their transgender fantasies, their surgeries or plans for them, and "kink." Image


German Conservatives Declare Victory, Sweeping Left Out of Power Germany’s center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) won the top spot in the nation's federal election, with right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) coming in second place with its best showing in history.


It was a bad day at a South Texas bakery, and I don’t mean that they burned your bread.


Monday, February 24, 2025

News and Views: February, 24, 2025

11 Shocking Examples of How Completely and Utterly Lawless Our Society Has Become  Nobody can deny that the moral decay of America is accelerating, and unless we reverse course and choose another direction conditions will continue to get even worse.  The following are 11 shocking examples of how completely and utterly lawless our society has become…


VDH compares the eight years under Obama and “the four-year, more radical third term of Obama using or employing the waxen effigy of Joe Biden” to the French Revolution under the Robespierre brothers. It was “a cultural, economic, political, social revolution.”


After Signing $50 Million to Fight Trump, Newsom Asks Congress for $40 Billion in Fire Relief -- Without Oversight   Newsom made no offer to the federal government in return — no changes in forest management, no changes in water management, no changes in emergency services, and no commitment to drop the $50 million in negative spending.

More USAID Fraud? Billions Of US Tax Dollars Are Missing From Haiti Relief Projects   The public is welcome to debate whether or not any American taxes should be spent in Haiti (proximity to the US does not mean they are entitled), but if the money was already sent and it never arrived, then whoever took it stole from both sides of the equation - Americans and Haitians.


George Washington University Retaliated Against Jewish Students Who Lodged Anti-Semitism Complaint, Federal Probe Finds   A federal civil rights investigation uncovered evidence that the George Washington University faculty retaliated against Jewish students based on "shared ancestry-related advocacy" by placing them in a remediation program after the students lodged an anti-Semitism complaint against an anti-Israel professor.   Image


WATCH: Ilhan Omar Goes on Wild Rant, Calls Americans 'Idiots' Who Shouldn't Be 'Allowed' to Have Views 


Saturday, February 22, 2025

But for the Cross of Christ

 But for the Cross of Christ 
 Bryan Fowler

Vs 1
What is the truth
That ever anchors me
Amidst the waves of all my guilt
That Christ has shed
His blood and pardoned me
At the cross, at the cross

Vs 2
He bore my sin
I bear His righteousness
Oh what a glorious exchange
The wrath of God
Laid on the spotless Lamb
Oh what grace, oh what grace

Behold the cross
There is no greater love
Heaven’s Son
Laid down His life for us
Oh my soul would be lost
With no hope to find
But for the cross of Christ

Vs 3
How do I walk
With humble confidence
I look to Christ Who is my peace
He sealed my hope
And my inheritance
At the cross, at the cross

Vs 4
When I am weak
And stumble into sin
There is an ever-flowing stream
His cleansing blood revives my soul again
Oh what grace, oh what grace

Vs 5
One day I’ll stand
Before the King of Kings
One day I’ll see him face to face
For Jesus rose
Death lost its bitter sting
Christ has won! Christ has won!

News and Views: February 22, 2025

Pope Francis in Critical Condition After Being Diagnosed With Pneumonia  According to the Associated Press, the Pope’s doctors report that he has been diagnosed with pneumonia in both lungs, as well as bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. He is receiving oxygen and targeted drug therapy, to which he is reportedly responding well. Doctors have prescribed "absolute rest," which has led to the cancellation of several public events. While they note that the primary concern is the potential onset of sepsis, a complication of pneumonia, Francis has not displayed signs of this condition so far. Image


"Contrary to Hamas’s lies, Ariel and Kfir were not killed in an airstrike. Ariel and Kfir Bibas were murdered in cold blood by terrorists," Hagari continued. 'The terrorists did not shoot the two young boys--they killed them with their bare hands. Afterward, they committed horrific acts to cover up these atrocities."


Scottish Thought Crime: Pensioner Arrested for Silent Abortion Protest  A 74-year-old woman has become the first person to be charged under Scotland’s new abortion buffer zones law. The quiet, unthreatening pensioner was handcuffed and detained under new rules that came into force late last year, setting a 200-metre zone around abortion clinics in which “protests”—including silent prayer—are not allowed.

Britain’s new blasphemy laws need to go the way of the old blasphemy laws: abolition. They are a threat to everyone’s freedom of speech, and they risk pouring paraffin on the violent hysteria of Islamic hardliners, a blaze that could soon claim the lives of Muslims, ex-Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus and non-believers alike. The state should stop going after the Koran-burners, and train its ire on those who believe their precious hurt feelings give them a right to kill.


Sadly, with the rise of militant feminism, the word “lady” fell out of favor, cast falsely as "sexist" and "patriarchal." It is neither. Rather, it is a token of respect and a badge of honor. Nevertheless, as someone whom in my day job frequently interacts with women young and old, I long avoided using it in public lest I commit a punishable offense against what we used to call political correctness, now known as “wokeness.”
   Recently, however, following Donald Trump’s return to power and the reemergence of conservatism as a cultural force, I decided the heck with that.
   So couple of weeks ago, I did something I haven’t done in years: I addressed a group of female students as “ladies.” You know what? Not one of them batted an eye. Not one gave any indication she had taken offense. Not one reported me to the dean.


Pro-Palestinian protest at Case Western caused $400,000 in damages; now 11 are being indicted  “They split into two groups and vandalized both the north and south sides of campus,” the statement reads. “They dumped and smeared gallons of red paint over multiple buildings, walkways, outdoor tables, an electrical pole, and on a statue of retired chemistry professor ‘Doc Oc’ — causing $400,000 in damages.”

Dept. of Ed stops more than $600 million from funding CRT, DEI, other ‘divisive ideologies’  The topics being defunded included “Critical Race Theory; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI); social justice activism; ‘anti-racism’; and instruction on white privilege and white supremacy.”
   ‘Teacher prep programs should be prioritizing training that prepares youth with the fundamentals they need to succeed for the future, not wasting valuable training resources on divisive ideologies,’ a Department spokesperson told Campus Reform.


Blockbuster Yale Study: Millions Of Long COVID Patients Might Actually Be Vaccine Injured  Yale researchers released a study today that posits millions of Americans thought to have Long COVID may have been misdiagnosed and actually have post-vaccination syndrome caused by exposure to the spike protein in COVID vaccines. Spike protein produced by the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines triggers the body’s immune response, and the FDA claimed in a 2023 Politifact fact check that vaccine spike protein is not toxic and does not linger in the body. However, Yale researchers report that some patients, who were never infected with COVID virus, were sick with post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) and had elevated levels of virus spike protein in their blood up to 709 days after vaccination.

In addition to viruses such as polio, measles, or influenza, and bacterial particles, vaccines contain more than 170 different ingredients, including yeast, metals, many chemicals, antibiotics, casein, and multiple sugars, including lactose. Vaccines also contain foreign proteins, including DNA from humans (albumin and aborted fetal cells) and DNA from animals (chickens, cows, pigs, guinea pigs, monkeys, and even insects).
    A vaccination is truly a shot of foreign matter into the arm or leg of its recipient.


Friday, February 21, 2025

News and Views: February 21, 2025

UPDATE: Forensic evidence has now shown that the baby and toddler were actually murdered about one month after their kidnapping while in captivity, and the woman’s body was not of their mother, Shiri Biba, but of an anonymous unidentified body. In other words, Hamas dug up a body of some unknown person and gave that back to Israel. At this moment we have no idea if Shiri Biba is alive or dead, though she is most likely dead but Hamas did not want to release the body probably because it would have revealed more evidence of their savagery. I suspect they raped and tortured her before killing her.

The celebration and mocking of the bodies of murdered children was not the work of some fringe group. Hamas took care to have every Islamic terrorist organization taking part in claiming victory, including the PLO’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades representing the ‘Palestinian Authority’ and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Omar al-Qassim Brigades) popular on college campuses, as well as the Al-Ansar Brigades which has links to Al Qaeda.


The first level of control is that of the digital ID. These are centralized government databases containing detailed, personal and confidential information on every citizen. They hold data such as a person’s vaccination status and medical history, finances, shopping and travel habits, and interactions with law enforcement.

College Closures Are a Blessing in Disguise...Too many colleges shortchange students. Let’s have fewer of them   The closure of more than 500 private, nonprofit, four-year educational institutions in the last 10 years—three times the rate of the previous decade—is widely seen as a catastrophe for the nation. Yet a closer look reveals it is anything but that.
    Putting aside the unprecedented fiscal challenges brought about by the overall shrinking population of college-age students, the larger truth is that not everyone is college material. It takes a certain IQ to handle college-level work, despite exaggerated claims about the role that grit plays. It’s generally believed that an IQ of about 115 is necessary. The large number of freshmen who drop out each year serves as evidence that many are academically in over their heads.


Thursday, February 20, 2025

News and Views: February 20, 2025

Pakistan: Christian Girls Abducted, Raped, Forcibly Converted to Islam  Many Christian girls as young as 7 — primarily from poor families and those with physical disabilities — are kidnapped, forcibly married, sexually assaulted and forced to convert to Islam on the pain of death. Some are trafficked into slave labor and the sex trade. Christian and Hindu parents are getting increasingly fearful of allowing their daughters to walk alone outside. Perpetrators are increasingly supported by Islamic religious leaders and enjoy de facto impunity for their actions. Image

70 Christians Decapitated in Church in Democratic Republic of Congo  All 70 of those kidnapped were taken to a Protestant church in Kasanga where they were tragically killed.


Trump signs executive order cutting off all taxpayer-funded benefits for illegal immigrants  Trump’s order directs the head of every federal agency to “identify all federally funded programs administered by the agency that currently permit illegal aliens to obtain any cash or non-cash public benefit” and “take all appropriate actions to align such programs” with PRWORA and other federal laws. 
   The commander-in-chief further ordered government officials to “ensure, consistent with applicable law, that Federal payments to States and localities do not, by design or effect, facilitate the subsidization or promotion of illegal immigration, or abet so-called ‘sanctuary’ policies that seek to shield illegal aliens from deportation.”


Diversity update: Once safe and charming, Sweden is now more dangerous than Baghdad… The globalists have peddled a lot of lies. Off the top of our heads is the climate change hoax and COVID sham. But one of the deadliest and life-altering of all their fraudulent initiatives is the “Diversity Is Our Strength” scam.  
   Turns out, diversity isn’t just a bad idea—it’s downright deadly. It’s a nuclear bomb to tradition, stability, and any culture that isn’t based on Islam.
   Just look at Stockholm. Once a peaceful, charming, and thriving city—is now a war zone. Thanks to unchecked migration, parts of Sweden are more dangerous than Baghdad. Bombings are a regular occurrence, and someone is murdered every 28 hours.

Canadian Military Features Soldier in Hamas War Scarf, Reinforcing Trudeau’s Pro-Islam, Anti-Jewish Agenda  Trudeau’s overt hostility toward Israel, tolerance for Hamas supporters, and blatant use of the Canadian military as a propaganda tool should be a national scandal. But instead, the media—which his government funds with taxpayer money—will ignore or excuse it.

BEYOND BARBARISM: Hamas Parades the Bodies of Dead Israeli Babies While Palestinians Celebrate  Is it possible now that at least some of those crying for Gaza and Hamas will recognize "absolute evil" walking the earth and denounce the bloody inhumanity of what Hamas has done?


Victor Davis Hanson: Trump’s Counterrevolution in Washington


The Clock Strikes Thirteen...And the Establishment gets washed away by a preference cascade. But it was a damn close-run thing   What happened? It’s like a spell broke. Since November’s election (re-election?) of President Donald Trump, the woke is going away, and all sorts of problems are resolving themselves. But why?
   There are several reasons, but basically, it’s a preference cascade.
   In law we talk about the proverbial thirteenth chime of the clock, which is not only wrong in itself, but which calls into question everything that has come before. Most of our institutions have been chiming thirteen for quite a while, and people have noticed.


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

News and Views: February 19, 2025


Like some addict that knows his habit is killing him, and yet who cannot resist another fix, so the Euros war on fossil fuels and hollow out their middle classes.
   They keep borders open to massive, illiberal illegal immigration. Yet they know the result bankrupts social services, spikes crime, and turns “diversity” into dangerous ethnic and religious chauvinism and contempt for generous host countries.


Islam’s Trojan Horse: Terror-Tied CAIR Launches New Muslim Super PAC to Control U.S. Elections   CAIR, under the guise of civil rights advocacy, has strategically built a political machine using tax-exempt status, lobbying arms, and its newly established Unity and Justice Fund Super PAC to infiltrate and influence U.S. elections while shielding its financial operations from scrutiny.

Anti-Israel protest erupts into mayhem in Orthodox Jewish neighborhood in NYC as agitators chant ‘Zionists go to hell’  Amid the chaos, the protest organizer yelled, “There is only one solution, intifada revolution” through a megaphone as others shouted, “Settlers, settlers, go back home, Palestine is ours alone,” the outlet reported.


The USCCB's complicity in Joe Biden's war on our border security has not gone unnoticed, and neither has the amount of money it has raked in to deal with a deliberately manufactured issue. Vice President Vance has publicly questioned the USCCB's funding and its involvement in resisting US immigration law.

When I read about how NGOs like Lutheran Social Services and Catholic Charities have since made bank out of getting government funds to resettle refugees and cart migrants all around the country in large groups, I am certain that 1975 was when the corruption of organized charity began.


The fact is that her casting was meant to mock and demean people of faith.
   “With all due respect, and humbly submitted, Cynthia Erivo is too BALD, BROWN, and BI to play Jesus. Casting a woman as Jesus Christ is an intentional form of blasphemy that Hollywood would be fuming over if done to certain other religions,” Pastor John Amanchukwu wrote on X.



University of Michigan School of Nursing swaps DEI page for 'Community Culture' after Trump executive order   The page does not contain any references to “diversity,” though part of the “Community Culture” statement references “equity” and “inclusion.”


Dr. Birx Admits Young and Healthy People Didn't Need COVID Vaccine People lost their jobs if they refused the vaccine. People called them grandma killers. Kids couldn’t go to school without it.
   Even if you had the vaccine, society treated you like a pariah if you even questioned the vaccine or said people have the right to question it.

Bird flu can be very confusing. This is true because, as is so often the case with our government, those who claim to be trying to solve the problem – our so-called “public health” and “pandemic preparedness” “experts” – are actually the ones who created the problem. What is worse, they are actively seeking to perpetuate it.
