Thursday, February 27, 2025

News and Views: February 27, 2025

When a culture decides that its core values and beliefs are not worth defending, and are even immoral and outdated, then that culture is in a bad way. And when you bring into that culture thousands or millions of people from other cultures who see their own cultures as superior, then that host culture really is in big trouble.
   Lastly, when those new arrivals refuse to integrate, but instead spend their time warring against the host culture, declaring it to be evil and in need of replacement, then you know that culture is finished. We are now of course living through all this in the West. Places like England and Europe are in advanced stages of this self-immolation. Image


Pentagon Will Track Down And Discharge Transgender Service Members   “Service members who have a current diagnosis or history of, or exhibit symptoms consistent with, gender dysphoria will be processed for separation from military service,” the memo says. The campaign will be carried out in two phases. First, the Pentagon will have 30 days to create a process for identifying and cataloguing every transgender service member. Discharges must commence within the next 30 days. Discharges will be "honorable" unless the individual's record makes a lesser classification appropriate. 


JD Vance Breaks Another Taboo: Europe’s Christians Are Being Persecuted  Scottish woman arrested for “silent vigil,” UK veteran for an anti-gender ideology post, Päivi Räsänen prosecuted for quoting the Bible… Where were the defenders of liberal values then?


One of my colleagues heads a surgical residency at an elite medical institution and has served as his certifying board’s examiner for nearly 20 years, overseeing the certification of young surgeons. He has noted two changes during this period. First, many candidates for certification complete their surgeries slowly—taking, for example, seven hours to complete an operation that should take at most four. The problem is so widespread that some insurers have put a cap on anesthesia reimbursement for cases that take too long, even though it is the surgeon, not the anesthesiologist, who determines the duration of the procedure. 
     Second, and relatedly, my colleague noted a rise in patients’ post-operative complications. This makes sense, since operating time is one of the determinants of surgical-complication rates.


The Education Exodus: Homeschool co-operatives...are not merely fleeing America’s public schools; they are forging a defiant stand against a cultural tide   Public schools, once cradles of civic virtue, have morphed into laboratories of progressive conformity.  Curricula steeped in Critical Race Theory cast the Founding Fathers as villains, not visionaries.  Gender ideology supplants biology with fluidity, shrouding childhood in confusion.  Climate dogma peddles guilt over reason, priming youth for a collectivist future rather than a free one.  Growing numbers of parents, especially conservatives, see schools as hostile to their values — a shift evident in rising discontent over the past decade.


Donald Trump starts first Cabinet meeting with opening prayer from Scott Turner

National Security NIGHTMARE: How Radical Trans Activists Hijacked America’s Spy Agencies  The whistleblower explained that things started out on a small scale about a decade ago -- a meeting here, a potluck there. Couched as "employee resource groups," staffers were gathered to discuss things like racism, veterans issues and, of course, gay pride. Said the whistleblower: "Then it started to get more and more. Instead of just one day a month, it was one week a month, or the whole month."
   Things got really out of hand.
   And then everything became Pride...


That's something I've learned while covering her, something many people don't know about her — she's got a soft spot for children, particularly foster children. During an interview on "Fox & Friends" last month, she actually mentioned that she's thinking about bringing back and expanding her "Be Best" initiative, which was aimed at preventing and overcoming cyberbullying. It sort of faltered because many platforms wouldn't support it.


Rep. Laurel Libby, a Republican who represents the Maine's 64th district, has served in the State House of Representatives since 2020, but currently, she's unable to vote or speak on the House floor unless she issues an apology. Her specific crime? Pointing out that a high school boy named John-turned-Katie won the girl's pole-vaulting state championship in Maine. The year before, he participated as a boy pole vaulter and came in fifth place...

Maine Public Schools Are Collapsing As Children Of Illegal Migrants Pour Into The State  According to the latest data from the National Center for Education Statistics, only 33% of fourth graders are proficient in math, while just 26% meet reading standards. Older students fare even worse, with only 25% proficient in math and 26% in reading, placing Maine 38th nationwide.
   The decline comes as schools prioritize the children of illegal migrants, a group welcomed by the state’s politicians and employers, according to Brietbart.


Do No Harm: What Is Wrong With the American Academy of Pediatrics?   Over the last few years, the American Academy of Pediatrics has pushed Hamas propaganda, thus lending its credentials and "legitimacy" to championing the cause of an alleged colonel in a child-murdering and -kidnapping terrorist organization.  It has advocated radical gender ideology and scientifically-dubious sex changes for children that have been disavowed by other medical professionals (suicide-related demagoguery in favor of these practices has been exposed as questionable-to-debunked).  And it has actively supported decrees for the forcible masking of three year olds.  This is a medical association that ostensibly exists to help children, but on issue after issue, extremist politics seems to be a major animating force within the organization.  Parents should be on high alert when considering any advice or guidance emanating from this group -- and at the very least, AAP has demonstrated that a second opinion is necessary.



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