Sunday, July 03, 2005

The Image Idol
By Rachel Houston

July 1, 2005

Charles Darwin was wrong about many things, but he came pretty close to describing contemporary culture: American society isn’t based on survival of the fittest—it’s become a survival of the prettiest.

This concept forms the foundation of Michelle Graham’s recent book Wanting to be Her: Body Image Secrets Victoria Won't Tell You. But don’t let the title fool you. As Graham warns, “In these pages you will not find nutritional hype about carbohydrates, fashion tips for dressing your body type or ten easy steps to a prettier you.” Instead, you will find a refreshing discussion of the spiritual issues behind our quest for beauty.

Graham shows that Americans have become preoccupied with outward appearances. TV commercials, billboards, magazine ads—the media bombard us with images of beautiful people. Cover models, Graham notes, have increasingly become our role models.

The story here:


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