Thursday, August 11, 2005

Dateline Says Porn is 'Legal,' Christians Beg to Differ
''I can't help wondering whether the hosts and reporters on 'news programs' like Dateline just don't do their homework or are so driven by ideology that they knowingly say things that aren't true.''
-- Robert Peters
Thursday, Aug. 11, 2005 Posted: 2:54:28AM EST

On Aug. 5, NBC TV's Dateline aired a segment "On The Hunt" that looked at the invasion of unwanted ads for Internet pornography, where Dateline reporter John Hockenberry said the porn invasion is "legal."

Porn spam is not legal, however, and the Can Spam Act of 2003 was enacted to control the flow of non-solicited pornography and marketing.

Robert Peters, president of Morality in Media, a ministry that works to curb pornographic content, said in a statement, "I can't help wondering whether the hosts and reporters on 'news programs' like Dateline just don't do their homework or are so driven by ideology that they knowingly say things that aren't true.

"The Act prohibits emails with false or misleading information, and deceptive subjects headings, without a functioning return electronic mail address, and without a valid physical postal address. Messages cannot be sent to recipients whose addresses were obtained in a manner prohibited by the Act, sent using an unauthorized computer, or sent to those who never requested the emails. Porn spammers violate all of these provisions.

The rest


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