Friday, August 12, 2005

Diocese Mobilizes Opposition to Proposed Massachusetts Law

The Bishop Suffragan of Massachusetts is urging the clergy of the diocese to mobilize opposition to a bill before the state legislature which would require churches to submit annual financial reports and statements of assets to the state attorney general.

Senate Bill 1074, “An Act Relative to Charities in Massachusetts,” was introduced in response to the abuse scandals concerning the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston.

“Opening the door to the intrusion of the state in church matters could begin a slippery slope” to state intrusion into religion, the Rt. Rev. Roy Cederholm wrote on Aug. 9.

The “burdensome reporting requirements that this bill would create,” he said, would bring about an onerous financial burden and would have a chilling effect on the laity. “This bill would make it even more difficult to find volunteers to fill this position [parish treasurer] as it would now carry serious legal obligations in addition to the already considerable time commitment.”

The rest @ The Living Church


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