Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Gays Using World Youth Day Platform to Demand Church Acceptance – Again COLOGNE,
August 16, 2005

(LifeSiteNews.com) - Since the elevation of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger to the papacy, homosexual groups with the generous assistance of mainstream media, have been clamouring for the Pope to “relax restrictions” on homosexual behavior in Catholic discipline. In the latest bid for Church acceptance of homosexual deviancy, a number of gay activist groups have called for the Pope to announce at World Youth Day his acceptance of sexual immorality into the canon of Catholic moral teaching.

The groups, Germany's Lesbian and Gay Association (LSVD) and the Cologne Lesbian and Gay Day (KLuST), issued a statement to an eager press corps on Monday giving their demands for “dialogue” with the Pope. “Our goal is to ensure that people whose sexual orientation has been given by God are morally supported by the Catholic Church.”

Ironically the Pope and the Catholic Church already do “morally support” everyone who suffers from sexual temptations of any kind, calling for all people to live chaste lives in any situation either married or single. In recent times, the Church has expressed its deep compassion for those who suffer from homosexual difficulties and groups such as Courage have been formed in which people can seek help to live according to the natural and moral law.



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