Sunday, August 07, 2005

Pro-Life Groups Say Torres Baby's Birth Will Sway Opposition
By Carolyn Bolls CorrespondentAugust 04, 2005

( - Two days after the birth of Susan Anne Catherine Torres and the death of her brain-dead mother, pro-life groups now believe this "miracle baby" will help preserve life and convince abortion rights supporters to switch sides.

"It will cause people to stop and think twice about abortion and what the truth and the reality of it is," Amber Dolle, media director for the pro-life group, American Life League, told Cybercast News Service.

"[The birth of Susan Anne Catherine] really helps people that maybe have sat on the fence and don't know if the child living in the womb is really a person ... to see that this is a living human person [who] we need to do all we can to protect by nature and by law in this country," Dolle said.

The rest


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