Saturday, September 03, 2005

Europeans Find Gas Prices Taxing
Americans Fear $4 a Gallon, a Bargain to Drivers in Paris or Rome
By John Ward Anderson
Washington Post Foreign Service
Saturday, September 3, 2005; Page A27

PARIS, Sept. 2 -- As they grapple with soaring gas prices in France, Serge Poitevieau, a cafe owner, and Frederique Usher, an unemployed but well-heeled young woman, have dramatically different perspectives and radically different solutions.

Poitevieau, 53, has stopped using his Spanish-made Seat automobile except to make weekend visits to his parents. He said he now gets around mostly on foot. As for France's notoriously high gas tax, "I say bravo," he said, leaning across the bar. "I think they should raise it more to discourage the traffic."

The rest


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