Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sunday evening
November 13th, 2005

Dear Readers,

Having just come back from the Hope and a Future conference in Pittsburgh this evening (we stayed an extra day to visit our son nearby), I am just now reading the blogs mentioned in the post below. I recommend them all to you. You should read them! Be informed! Be at prayer! These goings-on are history in the making. There will be struggles and more birth pangs, but we are still at the beginning, and the enemy will be hard at work in trying to destroy our unity. Be at prayer!

Pat Dague

From subtle love of softening things,
From easy choices, weakenings,
(Not thus are spirits fortified;
Not this way went the Crucified;)
From all that dims Thy Calvary,
0 Lamb of God, deliver me.

Give me the love that leads the way,
The faith that nothing can dismay,
The hope no disappointments tire,
The passion that will burn like fire;
Let me not sink to be a clod:
Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God! ... Amy Carmichael

From Raymond Dague:

We just got back from the Hope and a Future conference of the Anglican Communion Network in Pittsburgh. It will take some weeks for all of us to process in our prayers all that the Holy Spirit wants of us from this weekend. I strongly encourage you to read weblogs and websites such as Transfigurations, titusonenine, VirtueOnline, Lent and Beyond, Midwest Conservative Journal, Drell’s Descants, CaNNet, and other sources.

As you read about what happened at Pittsburgh, and pray your way though this information, please contact your representatives in the Network especially as we approach the major decisions which must be made in the next few months leading up to the General Convention 2006 next summer.

It is clear to us on the Council of the Network that like Pharaoh of the book of Exodus, ECUSA is not listening to the prophetic voice from God about the path to destruction which it is taking, but is rather hardening its heart, and will continue to “walk apart” from the rest of the Anglican Communion. Despite Archbishop Eames’ wishful thinking as expressed by his recent lectures, ECUSA has not even made a serious attempt to address the Windsor Report, much less comply with it. As we leave Pittsburgh and return home to our faithful parishes and dioceses of the Network we are in agreement on this, but ahead we must now deliberate and decide on how we are to act.

Act we shall, but we covet your prayers, and solicit your input as to the form and timing of our actions. May the Holy Spirit guide us!

Raymond Dague,
Chancellor of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Syracuse, New York &
Member of the Council of the Anglican Communion Network


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