Friday, May 26, 2006

'A holier kind of funny'
May 25, 2006

The old gospel song "Amen" is usually about Jesus and his life from a baby in the manger to the resurrection, with punches of "A-a-a-men" at the end of each line. But when Christian comedian Keitha V. sings the song in her shows, it's about being single."

In the first verse, I'll say, 'I am looking for -' and the church will sing, 'A-a-a-men,'" she said. It takes a second for the joke to register, then everyone's laughing like, "Oh, no she didn't."

Women, and maybe a few brave men, will be able to laugh with her at the first Kingdom Daughters Women's Conference today and Friday at the Point Plaza Suites and Conference Hotel in Newport News. The conference also features guest speaker Wilma M. Shaw, founder of House of the Lord Church in Florida.
the rest


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