Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Christian Coalition Is Splintering
The national grass-roots political group has been expanding its mission -- and, say breakaway chapters, it's `drifting to the left' and losing focus.
By Jenny Jarvie, Times Staff Writer
September 5, 2006

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — When Congress was debating bills on embryonic stem-cell research and same-sex marriage back in May, an e-mail from the Christian Coalition of America appeared in activists' inboxes.

"Christian Coalition Announces Support for 'Net Neutrality' to Prevent Giant Phone and Cable Companies From Discriminating Against Web Sites," it said.

For John W. Giles, president of the Christian Coalition of Alabama, the e-mail was yet another sign that the famous political powerhouse of the religious right had strayed from its founding mission: defending marriage, strengthening the family and protecting unborn human life.

"The Christian Coalition is drifting to the left," Giles said. "There's a new vision — and we're not part of it."

Last month, the Christian Coalition of Alabama announced that it was severing ties with the national organization. It's one of a growing number of chapters to express frustration as the Christian Coalition broadens its mission to include issues such as so-called Internet neutrality, the minimum wage and the environment.
the rest


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