Monday, October 16, 2006

Desensitizing abortion is a disservice to women

WASHINGTON As public relations campaigns go, proudly proclaiming “We Had Abortions” probably isn’t going to win any Addy awards.

Such is the gist of Ms. Magazine’s current campaign to thwart trends toward curtailment of abortion. The Oct. 10 issue of the feminist magazine features a cover story titled “We Had Abortions,” as well as a petition signed by thousands of women who, well, have had abortions.
And who are not one bit sorry.

The campaign was organized to put a woman’s face on abortion, as Ms. Magazine publisher Eleanor Smeal put it, and as a counterpunch to pro-life testimonials from women who regretted their abortions.

The fact that many women feel shame, guilt and loss, and are willing to say so, has created a snag in the fabric of pro-choice arguments that focus only on the technical aspect of abortion.
the rest


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