Monday, January 22, 2007

Calling the Flock To God, Away From the Fridge
N.Va. Pastor Joins Ranks Of Faithful Eyeing Scales
Jacqueline L. Salmon
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, January 22, 2007

Saving souls is serious business for Annandale pastor Steve Reynolds. So is losing weight.

Which is why he stepped out from behind the lectern during a service one recent weekend to deliver a blunt message to those crowded into the pews below.

"About 40 percent of you need to lose weight," he told his congregation at Capital Baptist Church. "When you love potluck more than God, it's serious."

And with that, the preacher, who has lost 70 pounds by relying on God and low carbs, launched a mission to lead his followers into the burgeoning world of religious dieting. "Our body was given to us by God and for God," he said. "He is the owner. We need to take care of what He's given us."
the rest


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