China "Returns" Confiscated Church Properties After International Pressure "And Prayers"
Saturday, 12 May 2007
By BosNewsLife News Center
BEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- Amid international pressure Chinese security forces have returned confiscated items to two house churches in the city of Kunshan in China's Jiangsu province, BosNewsLife established Saturday, May 12.
The move came shortly after Christian news agency BosNewsLife and its affiliates published an investigation by China Aid Association (CAA), a major religious rights group. Christians outside China also began a prayer 'campaign'. Jeff Burnsed, Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Baptist Ministries in Jacksonville, FL, USA, told that after the news broke his church had been praying for the "persecuted believers."
Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers told two church pastors Cui Chengnan and Liu Riguo, who planned to sue the authorities to regain the properties, "that the increasing international pressure after CAA's report and the fear of a negative impact on foreign investment in that area made them do so," CAA explained to BosNewsLife. the rest
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