Wednesday, June 06, 2007

An Overview of Canada's Future in Light of Abortion
Coming collapse of entire feminist-secularist philosophy predicted while its effects will have brought nation to its knees
By Father Alphonse de Valk, C.S.B.
Catholic Insight, June 2007 Edition

The National Post’s May 5, 2007 front-page story, continued inside on pages 10 and 11, carried the title, in large letters, “How did abortion, that most contentious of issues, become one that is simply not discussed publicly?” Vertically woven through the title from left to right was “THE a WORD.” The story appeared just a few days ahead of Campaign Life Coalition’s annual rally, the National March for Life on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, in memory of May 14, 1969, when Trudeau’s Liberals made the killing of the preborn legal.

The reference to public silence about abortion was in the context of Canada, not the United States, where, the reporter Anne-Marie Owens noted, in the previous few months three major news magazines — Time, Newsweek and the New York Times Magazine — had devoted cover stories to aspects of abortion. In Canada, only the Canadian Medical Association Journal recently touched off a controversy in its pages, but its readership is largely comprised of insiders.
the rest


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