Devotional: The Lord always deserves to be praised...

Welcome to Transfigurations! This blog is intended to serve the orthodox Christian community. We pray that all that is posted here will be faithful to the Scriptures as the inspired word of God, speak the truth in love, edify, bless and transform the body of Christ, and be an impetus for revival, repentance, prayer and intercession!
Riazat Butt, religious affairs correspondent
The Guardian
Friday August 1 2008
The once-a-decade gathering of the world's Anglican bishops in Canterbury has been described as inadequate by those attending it, who yesterday recommended that a smaller group meet every three years.
It is thought that a "mini" Lambeth would allow bishops to have more frequent contact and discussions when attempting to resolve disputes over issues such as the ordination of gay clergy.
The suggestion was one of several to come out of an ongoing process, called Reflections, designed to gain consensus from group meetings involving the 670 bishops who have been in Canterbury for more than a fortnight. the rest
Ruth Gledhill's blog
Thursday, 31st July 2008
Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent
Condemn homosexuality, Vatican official tells Lambeth conference
July 30, 2008
Canterbury, England
In 2000, I called the Rev. Canon Gene Robinson the most dangerous man in the Episcopal Church.
Before you jump to conclusions, let me say that I was very clear that it was not because I considered him a “bad” person. Quite the contrary, he was (and is) very articulate, a capable and well liked priest, intelligent, reasonably good looking, a skilled consultant who was (and is), by his own admission, non-celibate and a person of homosexual orientation. As a member of the diocesan staff, he was well known locally. I called him ‘dangerous’ because he was elect-able. And, if elected, and consecrated, chaos would emerge within the Episcopal Church and the Communion.
Americans elect their bishops from a slate of candidates. In most cases, the electing convention is made up of members of the parishes and convention officers of the diocese. Each parish selects a given number. Those elected to do the voting meet the candidates in what is called a “dog and pony show.” Often, most if not all candidates, will otherwise be unfamiliar to those doing the voting.
At some times before the election, the candidates are flown in and talk to the electing convention. People with strong views are usually dismissed by the laity who fear they will be “insensitive.” Academic, theologically informed individuals are dismissed as well because they are intimidating to both clergy and laity. More often than not, the candidate who bubbles to the surface is reasonably good looking, one who knows how to work the crowd and engage people in conversation. His or her credentials often involve serial parochial experiences never having been in any parish long enough (usually five or less years) to have been tested in serious leadership issues and styles before moving on to the next size larger parish. They tend to view conflict as unnatural and have, consequently, never gained the skills to work in and through conflict, a skill every bishop needs. the rest
July 30, 2008
July 29, 2008
By Fredrick Nzwili
Bishops who give and take a beating
July 30, 2008
We have asked a selection of Anglican bishops attending the Lambeth Conference, a once-a-decade gathering of the Anglican episcopate, to share their views on the meeting as it progresses
Bess Twiston Davies
Bishop Mouneer Anis of Eygpt, Primate of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East:
"I found the presidential address of Archbishop Rowan very clear. He clearly described what is happening and the thinking of people on both sides. I found his address helpful and very honest in expressing both sides of the conflict. While some very positive things are happening at the conference, some unresolved issues are still dividing the Communion. Those issues are still very much unresolved and untackled. I wonder if during the next few days we will do something about these unresolved issues. I have some doubts. The positives are that we are sitting down together, we are studying the Bible together, we are talking to each other and we are listening to each other.
Yet I see that a big wall still divides us. It is big because it involves the essentials, the foundation of our faith. We are not divided by mere trivialities, or issues on the periphery of faith. We are finding it very hard to come together in the essentials. This diversity of opinion is about the heart of our faith, the faith which we received from the saints. I speak the mind of many of my colleagues in the Global South, especially in the Diocese of Eygpt. I am aware that not all of us in the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East have the same mind. I respect and love them.
I find that many of our North American friends blame us and criticise us for bringing in the issues of sexuality and homosexuality but in fact they are the ones who are bringing these issues in. Here at Lambeth, you come across many advertisements for events organised by gay and Lesbian activists which are sponsored by the North American Church. If you visit the marketplace at the conference, you will notice that almost half the events promoted on the noticeboard promote homosexuality and are sponsored by the North Americans. And in the end, we, the people who remain loyal to the original teaching of the Anglican Communion, which we received from the Apostles, are blamed. They say that we talk a lot about sexuality and that we need to talk more about poverty, about AIDs, and injustice. They are the ones who are bringing sexuality into this conference. It’s not us. We want to talk about the heart of the issues which divide us, not only sexuality. That is just a symptom of a deeper problem.
They talk about the slavery and say that 200 years ago Christians were opposed to the freedom of slaves and they compare us to those Christians for our attitude to gay and lesbian practises. To be honest, I think this is inviting us to another kind of slavery, slavery of the flesh, to go and do whatever our lusts dictate. Sometimes, I think that maybe because of the pressure in Western culture to push the practise of homosexuality, our friends in the West are pushing these issues. But, on the other hand, I see many who live in the West and still want to preserve the faith and the tradition of the Church. Should we allow culture to pressure the Church or should the Church be distinctive, light and salt to the world? Cardinal Ivan Dias said that we didn’t bring the Gospel to the culture we could end up suffering from spiritual Alzheimers." the rest
Catharine Roskam, Suffragan bishop of New York
Kirk Smith, bishop of Arizona
Barry Morgan, Archbishop of Wales
Ian Ernest, Archbishop of the Indian Ocean, Bishop of Mauritius
Todd Mcgregor, Bishop of Madagascar
Ruth Gledhill's Lambeth Diary
The Archbishop of Canterbury has accused the opposing sides in the Anglican Communion's divide over sexuality of "threatening death to each other", in an emotional plea for peace.
Jul 29, 2008
Associated Press Writer
LOS ANGELES (AP) - A strong earthquake shook Southern California on Tuesday, causing buildings to sway and triggering some precautionary evacuations. No immediate damage was reported.
The jolt was felt from Los Angeles to San Diego, and slightly in Las Vegas.
Preliminary information from the U.S. Geological Survey estimated the quake at magnitude 5.8, centered 29 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles near Chino Hills in San Bernardino County. Ten aftershocks occurred in the next dozen minutes, including three estimated at 3.8, and the U.S. Geological Survey estimated the quake was about 8 miles below the earth's surface. the rest
New Westminster’s Ingham calls action ‘punitive’
July 28, 2008
By Hilary White
Robert Pigott
By John Jalsevac
Monday, 28th July 2008
Sarah Hey
Ruth Gledhill
25 July, 2008
The Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops is meeting in Britain, even as the worldwide Anglican communion is about to tear itself asunder over issues of homosexuality, gender, and biblical authority. Over 200 conservative bishops are boycotting the conference, and the global media are trying to figure out how to report the meeting.
One of the most creative and revealing attempts at an explanation comes now from The Economist. The London-based periodical reports that the main threat to Anglican cohesion is a group of African bishops who refuse to go along with the flow when it comes to normalizing homosexuality, electing openly-homosexual bishops, and the like.
Here is how The Economist explains the dynamic:
The simplest way of describing the cracks running down the middle of the 80m-strong Anglican family is to say that the traditionalists, reflecting the conservative social mores of Africa, are at odds with liberals from the rich world, especially over the issue of homosexuality. To explain the Africans' conservatism, many point out that they are on the front line of a contest with Islam; and that missionary work in Africa was carried out by evangelicals who reflect a rather fundamentalist strain of British Christianity. the rest
By Randy Sly
Sun, Jul 27, 2008
July 26, 2008
July 25, 2008
By Cathy Lynn Grossman
By John Jalsevac
WASHINGTON, July 25, 2008 ( - On Wednesday the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania issued a short per curiam order, in which it agreed with the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania that the state legislature violated the Pennsylvania Constitution when it added "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to Pennsylvania's "ethnic intimidation" law.
Eleven Christians of the evangelical group Repent America were arrested due to that same law in 2004 for reading the Bible and singing hymns at Outfest, a homosexual rally. Though the case was eventually dropped, Repent America filed legal action in 2005 against the act, citing its unconstitutional nature.
The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania agreed last November that the law was unconstitutional and struck it down. On appeal the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania sided with the Commonwealth Court, saying on Wednesday: "The order of the Commonwealth Court is AFFIRMED for the reasons ably set forth in the opinion of the Honorable James Gardner Colins, which opinion is adopted as that of the Supreme Court." the rest
Friday, July 25, 2008
By Jennifer Riley
By Sue Horton, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
July 25, 2008
By Martin Beckford
On July 24, 2008, the Common Cause headquarters released a statement seeking to act on the GAFCON initiatives. The Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA) echoed the Common Cause Partnership’s desire to embrace the invitation by the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) leadership to recognize Common Cause as an Anglican province in North America. Common Cause is petitioning the Primates Council formed at GAFCON for this status.
Andrew Carey
July 25, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
by Michelle A Vu, Christian Post
The Chinese Government has granted a major evangelist permission to distribute a Christian-atheist book to athletes and coaches during the Beijing Summer Olympics.
Evangelist Luis Palau will be giving a copy of his book, A Friendly Dialogue Between an Atheist and a Christian, to athletes attending the Games.
The book records a conversation between atheist Chinese diplomat Zhao Qizheng – a high-ranking Chinese government official – and the Christian evangelist. It offers both the basic beliefs of Christianity and a unique perspective on Christianity and philosophy of religion as seen from Chinese culture and beliefs.
Palau’s distribution approval comes just one month after China announced plans to print and distribute 50,000 Gospel booklets in Chinese and English for the Olympics. China said it will also print 30,000 Chinese-English New Testaments and 10,000 Chinese-English complete Bibles especially for the Games. the rest
July 24, 2008
Times Online
25 July, 2008
Riazat Butt/religious affairs correspondent