Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Decline Is a Choice: The New Liberalism and the end of American ascendancy

by Charles Krauthammer

This deliberate choice of strategic retreats to engender good feeling is based on the naïve hope of exchanges of reciprocal goodwill with rogue states. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that the theory--as policy--has demonstrably produced no strategic advances. But that will not deter the New Liberalism because the ultimate purpose of its foreign policy is to make America less hegemonic, less arrogant, less dominant.

In a word, it is a foreign policy designed to produce American decline--to make America essentially one nation among many. And for that purpose, its domestic policies are perfectly complementary.

Domestic policy, of course, is not designed to curb our power abroad. But what it lacks in intent, it makes up in effect. Decline will be an unintended, but powerful, side effect of the New Liberalism's ambition of moving America from its traditional dynamic individualism to the more equitable but static model of European social democracy. the rest


At 10:48 AM, Blogger chorale said...

I am not at all sure about this.
The United States of America constitute the richest and most powerful nation on earth. Reducing this ascendancy, smoothing out national 'pecking orders', so to speak, does not create any sort of equality - far from it, it creates a hole which at least two major states on the other side of the world will rush to fill.
And I am far to old to start learning Russian or Mandarin.

Chris Baker - Durham UK


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