Elmwood Park October 2015
Raymond and his Uncle Vinny visited Elmwood Park to enjoy its beauty and do a bit of a photo shoot. It really is a gem in the midst of a fairly crowded neighborhood. -PD
Welcome to Transfigurations! This blog is intended to serve the orthodox Christian community. We pray that all that is posted here will be faithful to the Scriptures as the inspired word of God, speak the truth in love, edify, bless and transform the body of Christ, and be an impetus for revival, repentance, prayer and intercession!
Raymond and his Uncle Vinny visited Elmwood Park to enjoy its beauty and do a bit of a photo shoot. It really is a gem in the midst of a fairly crowded neighborhood. -PD
Detroit "Pleased" that Kids Can't Read or Write
ObamaCare's Rate Shock Now Includes Its 'Cheap' Plans
I conclude from this analysis that the Anglican Communion is almost certainly headed for a formally divided future -- one that reflects in fact the pro forma division which has been in existence ever since the Windsor Report and Dar-es-Salaam. Whether or not it remains a single but two-tiered entity, or becomes two entirely separate organizations (the old one, controlled by the minority, and a new one formed by the majority), will be up to the GAFCON / Global South Primates and how much they value an ongoing relationship with Canterbury. And that outcome will probably be determined by how well Archbishop Welby manages the first few hours of the meeting next January.
Dan Rodricks
11th Video Catches Planned Parenthood Abortion Doc Selling Aborted Babies’ Heads ...The eleventh video release from The Center for Medical Progress in the ongoing Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal shows the abortion doctor for Planned Parenthood in Austin, Texas. Amna Dermish is caught on tape describing a partial-birth abortion procedure to terminate living, late-term unborn babies which she hopes will yield intact fetal heads for brain harvesting...
The refrain in the book of Judges is, “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” The result was that no one did right.
Islamic group blocked from building 'Britain's biggest mosque' in London ...The highly controversial plans by the Tablighi Jamaat sect – accused by some of being a gateway to terror - would have created a so-called “megamosque” with 190-foot minarets and three times the floorspace of St Paul’s Cathedral. The 290,000 square foot mosque, near the Olympic Park in east London, would have accommodated up to 9,300 worshippers in two main gender-segregated prayer halls and a further 2,000 in a separate hall.
Muslim gangs plunder German churches
What about you? What precious perfume is locked inside your heart that could be lavished on our Lord? The little treasures you and I struggle to hold on to may hold back opportunities to worship Him with extravagant praise, releasing ministry and service to Him that will bless all those around us. ...Angela Munizzi image
Muslim Invasion of Europe ...Those who enter Europe are almost all Muslims, and behave as some Muslims often do in the Muslim world: they harass Christians and attack women. In reception centers, harassing Christians and attacking women are workaday incidents. European women and girls who live near reception centers are advised to take care and cover up. Rapes, assaults, stabbings and other crimes are on the rise.
California Pregnancy Centers Fight New Abortion-Referral Mandate Two suits filed Oct. 10 in California federal courts claim a new state law violates pro-life pregnancy centers’ constitutional rights by mandating the centers tell clients about abortion.
October 19, 2015
'Convert or die' ISIS graffiti jihadis declare first European 'caliphate' The terror group's logo was daubed on the wall of a restaurant in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Archbishop Beach seated on the Global South Primates Council
‘Thank God for Abortion Providers;’ Episcopal and Methodist Clergy Bless Abortion Clinic Some ordained ministers are throwing their support behind abortion providers. Last week, for example, clergy for Episcopal and Methodist churches were among religious leaders who gathered in Cleveland to bless an abortion clinic.
Planned Parenthood to forgo payment in fetal tissue programs Responding to a furor over undercover videos, Planned Parenthood says it will maintain programs at some of its clinics that make fetal tissue available for research, but will no longer accept any sort of payment to cover the costs of those programs.
Cairo meeting of archbishops to begin on Wednesday The Global South and Gafcon primates are scheduled to meet in Cairo on 13 Oct 2015 in Cairo, the Archbishop of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East tells Anglican Ink. Writing in response to a story released on 12 Oct 2015 that stated the primates had begun their meeting at All Saints Cathedral on 11 Oct 2015, Archbishop Mouneer Anis stated this was not the case, as not all of the invited leaders of the conservative and center-right coalitions were present and they had not yet begun their formal deliberations...
By Don Whitney
Iron Dome battery deployed in Beersheba The defense establishment deployed an Iron Dome missile defense system battery in the southern city of Beersheba on Saturday.
Oregon Pastor Tells of 'My Family's Hero' Who Saved Daughter During Oregon School Shooting ...During his sermon, the pastor told the congregation of "[his] family's hero," fellow student Treven Anspach, who, after being shot by Harper-Mercer, rolled his body on top of the pastor's daughter, Lacy Scroggins, to protect her...
08 Oct 2015
By Bob Brown
“If it’s a breech presentation, I’ll remove the extremities first … the lower extremities, and then go for the spine and scrape, bring it down that way,” she says, gesturing with her right arm in a grasping and downward yanking motion.New video: Planned Parenthood abortionist jokes about harvesting baby’s brains, getting ‘intact’ head In the newest video footage released by the Center for Medical Progress, a Planned Parenthood abortionist laughs as she discusses her hope of removing the intact "calvarium," or skull, of an unborn baby while preserving both lobes of the brain.
Any man can sing in the day. It is easy to sing when we can read the notes by daylight; but he is the skillful singer who can sing when there is not a ray of light by which to read. Songs in the night come only from God; they are not in the power of man. ...Charles Haddon Spurgeon image
Gov. Brown signs controversial assisted-suicide bill Caught between conflicting moral arguments, Gov. Jerry Brown, a former Jesuit seminary student, signed a measure Monday allowing physicians to prescribe lethal doses of drugs to terminally ill patients who want to hasten their deaths.