Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Biden's Tone-Deaf Texas School Shooting Speech; The Baneful Politics of the Therapeutic Sensibility...more

Joe Biden's Tone-Deaf Texas School Shooting Speech...For just a few seconds Biden grabbed the moral authority and then chose to throw it away to make cheap political points.  

Sandy Hook Proved The Need To Enhance K-12 Security. Congress Armed Ukraine Instead.   

Biden Admin: establishments that accept any federal food funding, including food stamps, must also allow males who claim to be female to access female private spaces, such as showers, bathrooms, and sleeping areas,”

The Baneful Politics of the Therapeutic Sensibility...The most important casualty of our obsession with feelings.  

The Left Has Effectively Banned Christian Kids From Public Pools, Libraries, And Summer Camps...Forcing children to sleep and undress next to kids of the opposite sex effectively puts up a ‘Christian kids need not apply’ sign

COVID: What is the truth? Excellent synopsis of the pandemic by retired neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock  

*UPDATE* State Farm Pulls Support From Program Sending Transgender Books for 5-Year-Olds


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