Thursday, July 20, 2023

America’s Degradation Is No Accident; Dems Censor RFK at Censorship Hearing ...more

Today we have an enormous cloud of enemies of the republic, including the US Federal Government, about half of the state governments, major corporations (Disney, Target, Budweiser, Ben & Jerry, Hollywood, Maybelline, etc., etc.), public education, the United Nations, and the WEF, inter alia, all pushing onto the U.S. population the full delusion of the woke hoaxes, from global warming to transgenderism.

This cloud of enemies of the republic employs the police power of the state to repress the political liberty of the citizens rather than to protect the citizens from the criminals.


Money Well Spent: Four Things China Got for Their 'Donations' to Joe Biden  It almost seems like our president is helping China every step of the way while spending hundreds of billions of dollars helping Ukraine fight Russia, which poses little threat to the U.S. Why would Joe do such a thing?

...The House Oversight Committee has posted the opening statements of the two IRS whistleblowers who testified on the farcical investigation of Hunter Biden.

**********NYT racism**********

New York Times appears on board with South Africa’s “revenge” plan to eliminate whites…  It’s downright disconcerting to see the New York Times, a so-called “pillar” of the media world, playing it cool while discussing ideas as radical and reprehensible as “eliminating” a whole racial group to fix economic problems. Letting such dangerous thoughts float around without even a hint of push back is both unprofessional and morally wrong.


YouTube appears to be removing content featuring or even merely reviewing the movie ‘Sound Of Freedom’ for ‘violating community guidelines’ as censorship of the anti-child trafficking movie continues.

**********They want your kids**********

Bangladesh: Muslims Kidnapping Mostly Minor Hindu Girls   Then celebrate on social media stating: "mission done."

Transgender Biden Health Official Blasted For Claiming Kids Can Go Through The ‘Wrong Puberty’   Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine faced backlash this week after claiming in an interview that children can go through “the wrong puberty.”

Levine, a man who claims he is a woman, made the remarks during an interview on a new ABC’s “Nightline” series “Identity Denied: Trans in America.”


Top 3 Things Tucker Carlson Says The Regime Doesn’t Want You Talking About  So what are the three topics Carlson says have been deemed forbidden speech by the media, White House, and virtually every member of the American gentry class? “One of them’s the war in Ukraine, another’s Covid, and, of course, the third is Jan. 6.”


Lemme recap – PAYING ridership is down, freeloaders cost them almost $700M last year alone, and the new union contract exceeds the budget by three quarters of a billion dollars in the first three years alone.


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