Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Poll: Elites Really Do Live in a Different World; Federal Judge Rules DEI/CRT Trainings and Policies Can Violate Federal Law...more

Maine Follows Blueprint To Legalize New Form Of Child Trafficking   After reading through Maine’s new legislation — “An Act to Safeguard Gender-affirming Health Care” — which effectively makes Maine a “sanctuary state” for minors seeking sex change treatment, I had one simple question: If this becomes law, could someone out of state, say from a groomer organization like the Trevor Project, lure a minor and traffic the child to Maine to get castrated?
     As if to confirm the worst nightmares of conservative parents everywhere, lawyers told me unequivocally: yes.

Thomas Edsall, New York Times op-ed contributor, is concerned. That’s the headline of his new column. Gosh. I, for one, hope we can hold on to the Biden Normal. You know, like the tranny who fondled his boobs at a White House Pride ceremony...
...Or the US Navy’s attempt to reverse the recruitment collapse by promoting a cross-dressing sailor as an ambassador of the new Navy’s standards...


New Poll Proves That American Elites Really Do Live in a Different World  According to the poll commissioned by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, today's elites believe that you, the "smelly Walmart shoppers," "deplorables," and "bitter clingers," have too much freedom by a wide margin. More remarkably, a whopping 84% of this group believes Joe Biden is doing a bang-up job! They love his plan to ration energy and resources.


Numerous research papers from Harvard found filled with errors and false data  Obviously Harvard has not cared, especially at its upper levels. These are the so-called elites at this cancer research facility, holding important positions running the institution. Yet they are either incompetent, repeatedly allowing errors to slip through that should have been spotted beforehand, or purposely falsified the data in order to get their papers published.

The evidence of a corrupt and bankrupt academia first became obvious in the 2000s in connection with the climate change and the climategate emails. The emails showed a complete disinterest in the facts by a large cadre of top big-name climate scientists. Instead, the scientists conspired together to falsify the data to prove global warming was happening, while using their power to destroy the careers of any scientists who questioned their work.


Federal Judge Rules DEI/CRT Trainings and Policies Can Violate Federal Law In an important development in the battle against diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and critical race theory (CRT), a federal judge has ruled that DEI/CRT trainings and policies can be so one-sided and discriminatory that they can constitute a “hostile work environment” for white employees subjected to them.

We Are Watching the DEI Demise of Airlines Happening in Real Time and It Is Terrifying AF But even through the end of the 20th century, air travel was still tolerable and efficient. We're pretty sure the real hell started with the inception of the TSA. Like most government-mandated alphabet organizations, the TSA has proven to be utterly useless and just an endless suck of taxpayer money. Post-TSA, everything has seemed to just start careening downhill. Fast. 

But up until very recently, at the very least, you could usually count on air travel to be (mostly) safe.


Only Candidates of Color Need Apply? In higher ed, the fight against a racial spoils system continues   Much to UW’s embarrassment, a public-records request made by the National Association of Scholars unearthed multiple communication records between the hiring committee and the Faculty of Color group discussing the exclusion of white faculty from meetings with the candidates. The groups also colluded to cover up racial classifications in hiring and talked about circumventing the Supreme Court’s landmark ban on race-based college admissions.

‘People of color’ can’t be racist against whites, UW-Madison teaches law students  The list, required reading prior to the “Re-Orientation” includes 28 ways in which certain attitudes and behaviors “indicate a detour or wrong turn into white guilt, denial or defensiveness.” Students were also asked to fill out a “race timeline worksheet” with at least “7 significant moments” that were connected to race and identity.

Public Education's Alarming New 4th 'R': Reversal of Learning: Call it the big reset–downward  The learning loss debacle is the latest chapter in the decade-long decline in public schools. Achievement among black and Latino students on state tests was already dropping before COVID drove an exodus of families away from traditional public schools in search of a better education. Although by lowering standards and lifting the graduation rate districts have created the impression that they have bounced back, experts say that’s the wrong signal to send, creating complacency when urgency is needed.


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