Friday, February 16, 2024

Prioritizing activism over healthcare; A Western Consensus Is Brewing...more

‘Total disgrace:’ LGBTQ nursing course called out for prioritizing activism over healthcare   “There is nothing wrong with discussing the healthcare needs of LGBT individuals,” Goldfarb told The Fix. “If the course strays into justifying so-called gender affirming care, that is a problem, particularly in states where such care has now been banned.

“The question that arises regards the content of the material. If it approaches issues through the lens of critical race theory, blaming all healthcare problems on biases, when in fact, behavioral and other such problems are the real cause of any healthcare disparities, then the course is doing more harm than good,” Goldfarb said.


Seattle English students told it’s ‘white supremacy’ to love reading, writing   The Seattle high schoolers were told that “Worship of the Written Word” is white supremacy because it is “an erasure of the wide range of ways we communicate with each other.” By this definition, the very subject of World Literature and Composition is racist. It also chides the idea that we hyper-value written communication because it’s a form of “honoring only what is written and even then only what is written to a narrow standard, full of misinformation and lies.” The worksheet does not provide any context for what it actually means.

Inspired Idiot Of The Week: American Psychological Association:  “Can Selecting the Most Qualified Candidate Be Unfair?”   And the short answer, according to this new ‘science’, is a resounding YES: hiring the most qualified people based purely on their merit and talent is unfair.

Naturally they don’t actually discuss WHY. They just take it as a well-known fact that merit-based hiring is bad, while diversity & inclusion hiring is good.


New Media Sues the State Department Over Censorship  According to a new lawsuit filed in December on behalf of two media organizations, those being The Daily Wire and The Federalist, as well as the State of Texas and AG Ken Paxton versus the US Department of State (the State Department) through its Global Engagement Center (GEC) and various US government officials, it is alleged that the defendants are actively intervening in the news media market to both censor and limit the circulation of disfavored press outlets.

These illegal activities are being done covertly to suppress speech of the American press, and are a direct violation of the First Amendment of the US Constitution. Furthermore, as the State Department is only authorized to spend taxpayer dollars for the administration of foreign affairs, this program also violates its Congressional mandate.

Government Funds AI Tools for Whole-of-Internet Surveillance and Censorship  What’s happening is that a tool powerful enough to surveil everything that’s said and done on the Internet (or large portions of it) is becoming available to the government to monitor all of us, all the time. And, based on that monitoring, the government – and any organization or company the government partners with – can then use the same tool to suppress, silence, and shut down whatever speech it doesn’t like. 

---------------More Censorship-------------

This should not have to be said, but no society can be described as “free” unless that society can engage in free speech.  Likewise, there can be no free speech unless the public is free to criticize and disagree with the government.  Any government that claims a monopoly to determine what is true is a government hostile to dissent, debate, and democratic self-rule.  

Western governments have so betrayed their duties to act as custodians of Enlightenment-inspired human rights that they have become as tyrannical as the tyrants against whom they posture.

Illegals Nation: A 'great replacement' beginning to unfold?   Immigration experts are raising the alarm about how the increasing flow of migrants illegally crossing into the U.S. may significantly impact states' representation in the House of Representatives and Electoral College.

Shortly after taking office in January 2021, President Biden signed an executive order requiring that the U.S. Census Bureau factor in all residents, including noncitizens, as part of its decennial calculation of the U.S. population. As a result, the apportionment of House seats and, therefore, electoral votes for presidential elections, could be swayed as migrants continue to pour over the southern border.

Bad Frequency: Is America Ready for George Soros Radio Station Domination?  One insider close to the situation, noting that he was a Republican, said he believed it was possible Soros was buying the stake to exert influence on public opinion in the months leading up to the 2024 presidential election.
“This is scary,” the source said.


For the first time in my life, I’m now beginning to think Britain is finished  The return of anti-Semitism is not just an existential threat to Britain’s tiny, 292,000-strong Jewish community, but a damning indictment of a Britain that is regressing into darkness. As Lord Sacks put it in 2016, “the hate that begins with Jews never ends with Jews … the appearance of anti-Semitism in a culture is the first symptom of a disease, the early warning sign of collective breakdown.”

---------------Pattie Gonia--------------

National Geographic's 'Traveler of the Year' is a Drag Queen  National Geographic, a once great magazine, is just another woke publication now. It's owned by Disney, so that may explain a lot. I thought Disney admitted it should not have gone political and challenged Governor DeSantis over parental participation in classrooms. Slow learners, I guess. Image


They start with traditional rice grains and cover them (without specifying exactly how) with fish gelatin. The gelatin-covered rice is then seeded with skeletal muscle and fat stem cells taken from "Hanwoo cattle slaughtered at the local abattoir." The rice was then allowed to age for nine to 11 days, like fine wine made from skeletal muscle, stem cells, and fish gelatin.



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