Thursday, April 04, 2024

America in Moral Freefall; Ignoring Intelligence Agencies and DHS Reports...more

That’s why we need to feel the full force of the outrage of the moment, as the President of the United States, himself a professing Catholic, uses his bully platform to mock the followers of Jesus worldwide. First, he announced “Transgender Day of Visibility” on Good Friday. Then, he timed things so that it would be celebrated this year on Good Friday.
   Wake up, America! It really is revival or we die – and that revival, that awakening, that coming to life again, that returning to the Lord with all our hearts and souls, repenting of our own sins – must begin with each of us.
   To pray it again, “Lord, let the awakening start with me!”


Long beset by a labor crunch, the skilled trades are newly appealing to the youngest cohort of American workers, many of whom are choosing to leave the college path. Rising pay and new technologies in fields from welding to machine tooling are giving trade professions a face-lift, helping them shed the image of being dirty, low-end work. Growing skepticism about the return on a college education, the cost of which has soared in recent decades, is adding to their shine.

--------------Destroying America--------------

Biden appointees, including the president himself, have claimed that the border is secure and that white Christian nationalists are the greatest threats to national security. These statements weaken our ability to address real threats. If the border is secure, then funding for additional security would be unjustified. And if Biden starts wasting public funds and security resources to hunt down white Christians, he will be leaving the country open to attacks from the real threats: China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and Islamic extremists.

Biden's open borders have created a terror threat — and the 'what ifs' are chilling President Biden’s decision to open the border would be a betrayal of his oath of office even if every “asylum seeker” got screened before being waved in.
     But in reality, he’s let the Border Patrol get so overwhelmed by the tide that the only ones controlling the southern US border are Mexico’s cartels.

Trucker Warns That the Biden Administration Is Destroying a Vital Industry  Truckers are “concerned about their lives and their livelihood,” Pugh concluded. And with good reason. “What happens in the wintertime? You get stuck in a snow blizzard along the highway for two or three days and your battery goes, these people could freeze to death and die,” he said. More destructive, woke idiocy from the Biden administration.

Iran Smuggles US Weapons from Afghanistan to Terrorists in Israel  After Biden turned over Afghanistan to the Taliban, along with its drug trafficking operation, Iran boosted a pipeline of weapons and drugs that are used to bind its allies and attack its enemies.
   Weapons left behind in Afghanistan have made their way into Israel. But this time they were intended for the Palestinian Authority terrorists backed by the Biden administration.


Trump Allowed Worship Services at White House for Staffers, 'Good Catholic' Biden Doesn't  That's right — the first Catholic Mass ever to be celebrated in the White House compound was given the green light by the uber-heathen Donald Trump. Contrast that with "devout Catholic" Joe Biden sending his DOJ goon squad out to arrest Catholics for praying outside of abortion clinics.

High-Ranking Cardinal Calls for Americans to Reject Biden's Pro-Abortion 'Murderous Ideology'   This week, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the former prefect of the Vatican’s highest doctrine office, called for Biden’s ex-communication as the president vowed to reinstate Roe v. Wade in his State of the Union Address.


'The Population Bomb' was wrong: The world now struggling to make more babies  Across the world, governments adopted population-trimming policies, from massively subsidized birth control to promoting two-worker households to China’s draconian “one child” policy, in which each couple was allowed only one child.

That has left China with crippling demographic problems just as it hopes to burst forth as a superpower on the global scene; it’s now trying to encourage people to have more babies, as its leadership realizes it’s hard to be a superpower when your military-age population is shrinking (and, as only children, too valued by their parents to safely be employed as cannon fodder), your elderly population is growing and your society is stagnating.


US states are cutting off Chinese citizens and companies from land ownership  State lawmakers are producing a wave of legislation aimed at stopping what they say is a clear and growing danger to national security — land purchases by Chinese citizens and companies.
   More than two thirds of states — primarily controlled by Republicans — have enacted or are considering laws limiting or barring foreign ownership of land.

Chicago Measles Cases Rise as Illegal Aliens Show Up With Tuberculosis   Officials have also detected tuberculosis among illegal aliens in Chicago. But they’re trying to downplay it. Only a “few” cases and no one revealed the number of cases.
No one identified the illegal alien shelter too.



Jordan Peterson debate with left-wing commentator over COVID vaccine goes viral “There’s more negative effects reported from the mRNA vaccine than there were from every single vaccine ever created since the dawn of time,” Peterson stated during the interview, a fact supported by the CDC’s own Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).   
    The debate has since gone viral, with many clipping portions of the debate on social media while social media influencers have posted videos reacting to the interview.


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