Thursday, April 25, 2024

'Progressive' Mobs and Tent Encampments...more

Australia Tries to Censor Jewish Group’s Video of Muslim Terror Attack on Bishop  They're not afraid of Islamic terrorism, they're afraid of people finding out about Islamic terrorism...


This Post on the 'Progressive' Pro-Hamas Mob Absolutely Nails It   Why aren’t the “protestors” demanding that the terrorist group Hamas release hostages and surrender? Literally none of them are calling for that. All the fury is aimed at Israel, none at the party that started the war with an act of mass slaughter and rape and that keeps it going with hostage-taking and human-shielding. Hamas has turned down every “ceasefire” offer. Why would pro-ceasefire activists support the side that refuses a ceasefire?

Campus Tent Encampments 'Similar to Occupy Wall Street Mixed in With Islamist Pro-Terror Groups' “This is a toxic situation with toxic ideologies. These are essentially an anti-American anti-Western anti-capitalist ideology, similar to Occupy Wall Street from a decade ago, mixed in with Islamist pro terror groups and mixed in with praise for Hamas and other terrorist groups. This is not really something that we’ve seen before and I’ve been covering these movements for over a decade. It’s worse now.”

Elite Universities Breed the New Hitler Youth   ...and now the age-old question of how something like the Holocaust was allowed to happen has been answered.


The Biden administration’s outrageous rule change allows males to self-identify into women’s spaces and curtails free speech.

Public education has become a bastion of indoctrination, our political system seems to be irreparably broken, and the administrative state seeks to control every aspect of our lives. 
     Thirty years ago, many couldn't imagine some of these things we see happening today...

We Warned You: Totally-Not-A-Dictator Biden Admin Plans to Use 'Climate Crisis' to Get COVID-Like Powers  ...And then 'gun emergencies' and 'racism emergencies'. On and on in perpetuity.


One of the more insidious features of Marxism’s manipulation of language is its stigmatization of opposing points of view as some form of mental disorder.  Opposition to “gay marriage” is said to be a “sign” of homophobia.  Distrusting Islamic terrorists who celebrate 9/11 and shout, “Death to America,” is a “symptom” of Islamophobia.  Wanting the federal government to secure our borders and enforce existing immigration law “reveals” underlying xenophobia.  Not wanting biological men to force their way into ladies’ locker-rooms and showers suggests that a person “suffers” from dreaded transphobia.  
      Notice that all these purported psychiatric disorders are categorized as “phobias,” or more plainly, as “irrational fears.”  Marxists routinely use loaded medical language not only to demonize or disgrace their foes but also to transform any political disagreement into something that it is not. Image


Biden mocks Catholics by making sign of the cross at abortion rally I  have never seen anything more disgusting come out of this wretched president, ever. He's gone downhill and gotten extremist in his anti-Catholic policies, suing the Little Sisters of the Poor over whether they should pay insurance for abortion, as well as ignoring all the arson and vandalism attacks on Catholic churches, and now he's getting even worse.
   All I can hope is that Catholics will make it very hard for their wokester Catholic bishops and their silence over this outrage, and Republicans have got the campaign ads already made, because rest assured, this creep will come 'round again, Eddie Haskell-like, to seek the Catholic vote.

Absolutely Vile: Joe Biden Makes Sign of the Cross at Abortion Rally in Florida “There is no divine support for destroying the lives of innocent children, and he should know better. Biden’s gesture suggests he is either terribly naive, or senile, or callously indifferent to the foundational beliefs of millions of Christians in America.”


MA Middle School Responds to Trans Student's Threats of Violence With Anti-Bias Training, 'Empathy' for the Student  “The district placed a higher priority on the transgender student’s comfort than the safety of 40 other individuals.”


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