Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Harrison Butker Boots This One Out of the Stadium; The Nones Have Hit a Ceiling...more

Finally, the indignation and fury sparked by Butker lay bare a phenomenon long apparent in our culture, which is that American secularism has now attained the status of a religious cult. Contrary to the First Amendment, the state has established this brand of secularism as its religion. Those attempting to cancel Butker wholeheartedly buy into the creed of this church—the righteousness of abortion and transgenderism, the superiority of professional women to mothers and homemakers, the emasculation of the male because otherwise he is a toxic oppressor, and the wisdom of the federal government as superior to individual thinking. Image

The latest heretic to be tried and found guilty is Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker who gave an unorthodox graduation commencement address last week. Being a Catholic speaking at a Catholic institution, you would expect Butker to, I don’t know, voice Catholic beliefs. What exactly did Butker say that so riled up the tolerant and inclusive public? First, he had the nerve to tell women that marriage and children are more fulfilling than career accomplishments. Second, he critiqued Pride Month for celebrating sin. Third, he negatively assessed DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) initiatives. That’s right. In one speech, Harrison Butker managed to violate all five tenets of the Secular Creed.


The Nones Have Hit a Ceiling...After Decades of Non-Stop Increases, Non-Religious Americans Have Plateaued  The rise of the nones may be largely over now. At least it won’t be increasing in the same way that it did in the prior thirty years.
Of course, the question is why? I don’t know if I have a bulletproof answer. I think the easiest explanation is that a lot of marginally attached people switched to “no religion” on surveys over the last decade or two. Eventually, there weren’t that many marginally attached folks anymore. All you had left were they very committed religious people who likely won’t become nones for any reason. The loose top soil has been scooped off and hauled away, leaving nothing but hard bedrock underneath.


Court Rules Schools Can Force LGBT Ideology On Kids Against Parents’ Religious Objections  It should be obvious to anyone that forcing parents to accept this instruction for their children violates their religious freedom, and the obnoxious dismissal from a judge that parents can simply undo whatever their kids learn in school further mocks these sacred rights. Left-wing, LGBT activists simply want full control over children’s education and have constructed a system that not only excludes parents but intentionally isolates their children from them in school.


Churches turn to armed volunteers as gunmen threaten pastors, worshippers  He said armed volunteer security at houses of worship is not a new idea, especially in Jewish synagogues, but the demand is increasing as more and more sites explore their options.


Immigration, Islam and the deliberate crashing of the welfare system  Arguably, the Cloward-Piven strategy is already in progress.  Unsustainable mass immigration has been unleashed in North America, the UK and western Europe, despite public concerns. Younger generations have been indoctrinated to regard open borders as sacrosanct and any criticism of the relentless influx as racist.

We need to ask a very simple question of Joe Biden. In a world where you just restored an Islamic terrorist sanctuary, Afghanistan, why would you push for a wide open border entry into the United States of America? There is only one response. The Biden administration’s rationale is a continuation of Obama's policy of supporting Islamic terrorism. Yes, harsh words, but true. How many billions of dollars have Obama and Biden facilitated to the coffers of the number one state sponsor of Islamic terrorism—Iran? Just as a reminder, during the Trump administration, Iran was practically bankrupt with less than $10 billion of cash reserves. Groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Houthis were holding bake sales and lemonade stands to raise funds. Now that our Islamic terrorism-supporting President has refilled Iran's financial coffers, these terrorist organizations are back in business. They are obviously able to finance Islamic jihadists to link up with the transnational narco-criminal terrorist organizations, cartels, to gain illegal entry into America.

Iran can only be rejoicing at the moral and educational collapse they have helped create on American university campuses, which are grooming America's future teachers, judges and political leaders. Now, however, these campuses appear to be incubating America's future terrorists and creating a national security threat. Image

Demonized as contributing to climate change, cattle may actually decrease emissions, research shows  The researchers found that 19%-30% of methane emissions were from the cattle, but the rest was from the wetland soils. If the cows are removed, their research shows, it actually increases the amount of methane the wetland ecosystems give off.


In short, the reduction of homicides is nationwide and Hochul had absolutely nothing to do with it.
But Hochul doesn't want people to understand that. She's hoping that New Yorkers will look at the drop, look at the law's passage--despite this drop happening after Bruen ended may-issue laws mind you--and never bother to look any further.

Demonized as contributing to climate change, cattle may actually decrease emissions, research shows  The researchers found that 19%-30% of methane emissions were from the cattle, but the rest was from the wetland soils. If the cows are removed, their research shows, it actually increases the amount of methane the wetland ecosystems give off.



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