Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Here Come the Lying AI Robots; A “Restaurant Apocalypse” Is Starting to Sweep Across America...more

A Trans Archdeacon Who Teaches that God is a Witch and Jesus is a Woman? Say Hello to the Modern Church of England   Leaked documents last week revealed how Winchester Cathedral apparently now plans to remodify its choral foundation in line with its new-found main priorities not of worshipping God, but of instead increasing “reach and access” and “diversity and inclusion”. It turns out the only sins Christ truly died on his cross to redeem were those of white, Western, cisheteronormativity. Cathedral authorities hope to achieve this holy aim by replacing the current choristers with a “variety of singers from other parts of the regional demographic”. Goodbye plainsong, hello nasheeds?

Here Come the Lying AI Robots: Study Alerts That AI Systems Are Getting Adept at Deceiving Humans “They concluded that not only can a model learn to exhibit deceptive behavior, but once it does, standard safety training techniques could ‘fail to remove such deception’ and ‘create a false impression of safety’.

NY AG Letitia James Sues Pregnancy Centers Over Life-Saving Abortion Pill Reversal  The budget, approved by Gov. Kathy Hochul at the end of April, sets aside $25 million in taxpayer dollars for abortion nonprofits to expand their efforts to kill preborn babies. The governor also appropriated $10 million in security grants to abortion facilities “to help ensure the safety of the providers performing this vital care.

‘Muslim Terrorists Are in Our Midst’: Florida Imam Calls for Annihilation of All Jews  During a sermon at the North Miami Islamic Center in Florida in late April, Imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi called for Allah to support “our oppressed brothers” in Palestine, as well as for the total annihilation of Jews, whom he referred to as “apes and pigs” — a phrase that radical Islamists have historically used to describe Jews.

A “Restaurant Apocalypse” Is Starting to Sweep Across America, and That Is Really Bad News for the U.S. Economy We have reached a point where the vast majority of Americans just can’t afford to eat out on a regular basis.

As President of these United States of America, I believe that the most important title, role, is that of Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces. The national insecurity insanity of the Biden administration is putting our safety and security at risk, and for what? The leftists, Marxists, have always had their eyes on our military as the last great institution of honor, integrity, and character to destroy. Their intent is to weaken our nation and allow its invasion and fundamental transformation. The unholy alliance between these Marxists and Islamic jihadists should disturb us all — regardless of political party affiliation. Ask yourself, when was the last time you heard about a National Military Security Strategy? Heck, we have SecEnergy Jennifer Granholm talking about more electric combat vehicles on the battlefield.


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