Friday, June 21, 2024

Newslinks: June 21, 2024

Tennessee governor signs bill calling for 30 days of prayer and fasting in July A letter signed by Tennessee state Senator Mark Pidy and Representative Monty Fritts accompanying the resolution invites “those who are physically able and spiritually inclined to do so to join in a 30-day season of prayer and intermittent fasting for the month of July as a means of humbling ourselves to receive God’s grace, mercy, and blessing in Tennessee and in our Nation.”


Biden Border Invasion: Hordes of Military-Age Men March Like Soldiers Into California in Midnight Invasion (VIDEO) Hundreds of military-age illegal aliens marched like soldiers into California after midnight early Thursday morning.
    “During the overnight hours, we encountered another mass illegal crossing into Jacumba, CA, after midnight, made up of 150-200 adults and families from around the world,” Fox News reporter Bill Melugin said.

As we’ve noted here before, we do not oppose immigration. But, as with everything else, immigration is governed by laws, rules and principles. Unfortunately, when it comes to immigration, Biden simply ignores the law and instead uses presidential command in its place.
   The result: chaos on our border and, increasingly, on our streets as city after city suffers from rising illegal immigrant crime. And it’s going to get worse.


“The anti-Semitic attack and the rape of a 12-year-old child in Hauts-de-Seine revolt us,” said populist leader Marine Le Pen, whose National Rally party won the European Parliament elections in France this month.“The explosion of anti-Semitic acts, up 300 percent compared to the first three months of 2023, must alert all French people: the stigmatization of Jews for months by the far left through the instrumentalization of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a real threat to civil peace,” she continued.


Med school system displaces Americans in favor of foreigners, report finds Medical training and the healthcare system are heavily subsidized by taxpayers,” he told The Fix. “Those systems should not be creating opportunities for people overseas while driving out U.S. citizens.”
    His research found “about a third of foreign-trained ‘medical residents’ are U.S. citizens who had been turned away from domestic medical schools and have been forced to go overseas.”


Three Columbia Deans Placed on Leave Pending Investigation...exchanging derisive and anti-Semitic text messages  "I was appalled, but sadly not surprised, to learn Columbia administrators exchanged disparaging text messages during a panel that discussed antisemitism at the University," committee chairwoman Virginia Foxx said.


The intellectual dishonesty of Democrats proven once again   The Cleveland Plain Dealer was forced on June 18, 2024 to retract entirely a June 9th op-ed written by Democrat lawyer and political consultant Neil Baron when it was threatened with slander and libel lawsuits from three FBI whistleblowers because of the blatent false accusations Baron included in this op-ed.
   Baron’s op-ed, which can still read here, was mostly a partisan attack on Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and his effort to expose the FBI’s non-stop abuse of power. In doing so, however, Baron accused three FBI whistle-blowers of doing things they did not do.


Sen. Kennedy Explains Why Men Shouldn’t Play Women’s Sports in a Way Even Dems Can Understand 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Newslinks: June 20, 2024

Yes, Biden’s Department Of Justice Wants To Imprison Peaceful Pro-Lifers For Praying  The sudden onslaught of legal attacks on pro-lifers following the biggest win for the unborn this country has ever seen is no coincidence. While the pro-life pregnancy centers and churches that were firebombed, vandalized, and set ablaze in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision still struggle to get the justice their attackers deserve, the weaponized DOJ has fully preoccupied itself with pursuing its ideological enemies instead of the far-left instigators causing real harm. Image


Biden Sent $2.8 Billion in ‘Humanitarian Aid’ to the Taliban  The Biden regime’s humanitarian aid to Afghanistan appears to be ending up in the hands of the Taliban. During a recent House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee hearing, Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) lambasted the poorly overseen State Department expenditure.The Biden regime, Mast observes, has “sent more than $2.8 billion to Afghanistan since the Taliban took power in August of 2021.” A federal inspector general’s report shows “tens of millions of dollars of that money going directly into the hands of the Taliban.”


Five Illegals Arrested in Kidnapping of 14-Year-Old Girl From Her Indiana Home  The illegals were tracked down in Macon County. They were all charged with second-degree kidnapping and first-degree endangering the welfare of a child.


The demise of normal family: does it matter? 
As Christians, we need to protect our own marriages recognising they are literally micro models of the relationship between God and his Church. They are ideal environments for learning how to love our neighbours as ourselves, and to model the love of God to a watching world. As Christians, we need to not let the salt lose its saltiness.
   This means we speak out when our schools teach things we object to. It means we write to our MPs – again and again. It means we refuse to wear rainbow lanyards or add pro-nouns to our bios. It means we give the populist politicians someone else to listen to instead of the loud minority activists.
  We can do better; we must do better.

Los Angeles Opens Homeless Shelter That's Nicer Than Some Houses And believe me, it's nicer than some people's houses, boasting 228 studio apartments and 47 one-bedroom apartments, a gym, an art room, a library, and a music room.
All for the low, low cost of $600,000 per room to build on the taxpayers' dime!


Chemicals From East Palestine Train Derailment Reached 16 States Gay’s program has 290 sites in North America. Each collects “rain and snow samples before they hit the ground and then preserves them for analysis.”
“At this level of certainty, 19 sites had at least one chemical compound in the 99th percentile, while 8 sites had 4 or more compounds in the 99th percentile,” according to the findings.


So the tragedy is that all this money has been gathered and disbursed by brainwashed governments, public and private organisations and individuals and is being squandered to deal with a delusion. This has been led entirely by the United Nations from the very beginning of the global warming ramp, which, shortly after the start of the evangelistic promotion of the fear, set up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and both the previous and present Secretary Generals of the UN have strongly made endless calls for action.


Magazine Calls for Federal Regulations of Homeschoolers...Otherwise Known As a Conservative Database While the editors of Scientific American channel their inner Nancy Pelosi and tell us it is all "for the children," nothing could be further from the truth. Traditionally, it is conservatives who choose homeschooling for their children. A September 2023 Washington Post/George Mason University poll showed that 46 percent of those polled said they homeschool their kids because “local schools are influenced too much by liberal viewpoints," and the crowd at Scientific American knows it. What better way to create a comprehensive database of conservatives and be able to know exactly where they are than to require them to undergo a background check? What sort of information would be required from a background check? Political affiliations, ownership of firearms? Imagine what the Biden administration would do with a database of conservatives — think January 6, and we already have a pretty good idea.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Newslinks: June 19, 2024

Fighting the Transgender Movement's War on Children and the Normalization of Pedophilia  Shannon Boschy, a father, became an activist after his child’s school supported a gender transition, and now aims to expose the perverse ideological subversion within the Canadian educational system and its undermining of traditional family values.


Home affordability is at its worst level in decades, according to Zillow. In 2020, the national average salary required to buy a home was $59,000. Today, it’s $106,500 – a 61 percent increase. Image


The West is Sick of the New Woke Jihadism Finally, woke jihadism is fueling a radical Western turn to the right, partly due to open borders and the huge influx into the West from non-Western illiberal regimes. Partly the reaction is due to the ingratitude shown their hosts by indulged Middle-Eastern guest students and green card holders. Partly, the public is sick of the sense of entitlement shown by pampered, sanctimonious protestors.


Just Stop Oil said it vandalized the prehistoric stones to demand the government “end the extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030.”


Well, it invades the privacy of gun buyers, for one thing. 
New York is already hostile toward gun ownership as it is. Now, potential gun buyers have to consider that the banking industry is tracking their purchases on behalf of the state. That means many will start using cash or buying a gun out of state.


'Abuse of public funds': Mass. launches $1M ad campaign against pro-life pregnancy centers The advertisements will appear on various platforms, including social media, radio and billboards. Massachusetts is the first state to launch a campaign to dissuade women from visiting pregnancy centers.


Two cases have centered on baker Jack Phillips, who in 2012 refused to bake a cake for a gay couple’s wedding. Phillips partially prevailed before the U.S. Supreme Court in that case in 2018.
   Phillips was later sued by Autumn Scardina, a transgender woman, after Phillips and his suburban Denver bakery refused to make a pink cake with blue frosting for her birthday that also celebrated her gender transition.

Colorado's legal marijuana business is at least one toke over the line as a massive decrease in sales has led to store closures and layoffs across the state.


Kansas Sues Pfizer, Says Company 'Misled' Public On COVID-19 Vaccine  Pfizer, for instance, said on April 1, 2021, that there were “no serious safety concerns through up to six months following second dose” of the vaccine it makes with Germany’s BioNTech, the lawsuit notes.
   But documents made public through a lawsuit showed that Pfizer’s adverse events database, which includes reported issues following vaccination from around the world, already contained 158,893 adverse events as of Feb. 28, 2021.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Give me an open ear, O God...

Give me an open ear, O God, 
that I may hear Thy voice calling me to high endeavor.

Give me an open mind, O God, 
a mind ready to receive and to welcome such new light of knowledge as it is Thy will to reveal to me.

Give me open eyes, O God, 
eyes quick to discover Thine indwelling
 in the world which Thou hast made.

Give me open hands, O God,
 hands ready to share with all who are in want the blessings with which Thou hast enriched my life.  
...John Baillie

Newslinks: June 18, 2024

“These numbers are further proof of President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas’ radical commitment to open borders, and the secretary’s high crimes and misdemeanors committed to make them a reality. The laws passed by substantial bipartisan majorities in Congress make very clear that illegal aliens must be detained, but Biden and Mayorkas have instead directed and overseen the mass release of illegal aliens into our communities," Green wrote in a statement.

Biden Announces New Path to Citizenship for Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Immigrants The White House has estimated about 500,000 illegal immigrant spouses and 50,000 illegal immigrant stepchildren of U.S. citizens can apply.


Cultures and civilizations go through cycles. Over time, many civilizations and cultures have risen and then fallen. We who live in painful times like these do well to recall these truths. Cultures and civilizations come and go; only the Church (though often in need of reform) and true biblical culture remain. An old song says, “Only what you do for Christ will last.” Yes, all else passes; the Church is like an ark in the passing waters of this world and in the floodwaters of times like these.


Dumb and dumber... K-12 public education has failed to prepare incoming college students how to write at the public level  The real casualty here are Johnny and Mary who are being thrown into the real world without basic skills. Maybe colleges should not accept high-school graduates who can't read or do they call that discrimination these days?


Thanks to base closures and an almost criminal neglect by Congress of our naval infrastructure, we lack the ability to expand our shipbuilding and maintenance to match pace with China. We can't even properly repair and refit the ships and subs we do have — and what we have are too few.

Today a compliant media, an ignorant public, and an arrogant ruling class have combined to render the risk of nuclear war higher than it was at any point during the Cold War. 


Guess How Many High-Speed Internet Connections Biden Built With $42.45 billion  The $42.45 billion was never for high-speed internet. The $42.45 billion exists so there would be $42.45 billion to dole out to interest groups gathered at every stop along the route of Biden's low-speed gravy train.


Oregon Doctors Could Soon Lose Their Licenses for ‘Microaggressions’ Under Proposed Medical Board Rule The proposed crackdown on microaggressions, a concept that germinated at elite Ivy League universities and has since spread to the legal and medical fields, marks the latest example of medical institutions infusing left-wing cultural trends into their work.


Monday, June 17, 2024

Newslinks: June 17, 2024

Chicago: Muslim Student Association Speaker Claims 'America is the Cancer … Islam Is the Answer'  “This war is not about Israel or Gaza. It is about the survival of Western Civilization, capitalism, and democracy.”

New Jersey High School Yearbook Removes Names of Jewish Students The 2023-2024 yearbook for East Brunswick High School replaced a photo of the Jewish Student Union (JSU) with Muslim students and erased the names of the members of the JSU, leaving a large blank space on the page.
  East Brunswick Mayor Brad Cohen expressed outrage over the incident and said new yearbooks will be ordered.


On Friday, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack that killed over 40 people in the village of Mayikengo in Lubero territory earlier in the week. Citing figures from local authorities, Agence France-Presse reports that nearly 150 people have been killed since the beginning of June by the Allied Democratic Forces.


The End Of The Petrodollar Is The End Of America’s Global Dominance  Every nation has had to convert its currency to the U.S. dollar, making it the de facto global currency. Thanks to Joe Biden, it’s all gone.


Illegal Alien Suspect Arrested for Murder of Mother of Five in Maryland  Every single murder of an American by an illegal alien is a murder that is on the open borders crowd. They should be forced to stand before the families of dead Americans and explain why their daughter/son died for a good cause
  Hernandez went through no vetting process. No one checked to see if he was in a criminal database. He just waltzed across the border and began to terrorize women.

As a Woman, I Deeply Resent Being Put at Risk From the Democrats’ Imported Monsters  When Democrats purposely engineer a surge of migrants to overwhelm the border, it becomes impossible to screen everyone properly. They know that criminals, thieves, terrorists, lunatics, and assorted monsters are coming into the country along with the merely opportunistic, and they don't care. It's unconscionable and reprehensible. In a sane country, they would be thrown out of power for at least a generation.

-------------Merit, Excellence and Intelligence-------------

The nation is starting to wake up to the foolishness of DEI. Job listings for the positions are down 44 percent. Many places are laying off their DEI departments. What started as a response to the mobs after George Floyd's death has now been able to slip quietly into the back. Anyone who has ever run a successful company or organization knows that the program was doomed to fail from the beginning. The problem is that we should be smart enough not to let the left "experiment" on our society with their outlandish ideas to begin with. And we shouldn't be bullied into programs by mobs.


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Newslinks: June 16, 2024

Men, in particular, must become stronger defenders of their faith.  It is no coincidence that those who work to destroy society routinely attack Christianity and masculinity.  Both are threats to a communist State.  A Christian stands against any government that insists on usurping God.  A man stands against any government that threatens his family.  An unyielding and courageous Christian man, then, is a ferocious enemy to Marxist globalism.  Consequently, “Christian nationalism” and the dreaded “patriarchy” are two of the propaganda media’s most targeted bugaboos.

There is a rhetorical war right now on familial and spiritual fatherhood.  Men are told that they have no right to object to abortion.  They are told that physical displays of chivalry are outdated and “toxic.”  They are told to shut up, sit down, and get out of the way.  Television commercials and shows routinely portray men as clumsy, ignorant, and misguided.  Movies pretend that families are better off without fathers.  Celebrities fantasize about a world without men.


Hundred Scottish churches up for sale as UK turns away from Christianity The Church of Scotland is selling 100 historic buildings to free up funds after a drastic decline in the number of worshippers and ministers.
    Churches, plots of land and former council houses, some dating back to the 1700s, have been listed for sale at prices ranging from £35,000 in what the Church has described as a “painful” move.
    The institution said financial pressures have forced it to make “difficult” decisions on its future, adding it now owns “far more [churches] than is required”.


“This was their entire strategy to confine President Trump to a courtroom for hours a day, four days a week. And while that was happening, he was raising more money than them. In the month of April, President Trump raised more than Joe Biden and the Democrats for the first time in this race. After the shameful verdict came out, President Trump raised $53 million in 24 hours, and the most remarkable part about that was 30 percent of those donors were new donors to our campaign — into any political campaign,” she said, describing these as Americans who came out of the woodwork “because people are fed up.”


US Navy Finally Takes Action in Yemen Against Houthis, Destroying Their Radar Capabilities  The U.S. military, specifically the Navy, has swung into action over the Iran-aligned Houthis in Yemen's continued reckless attacks against foreign vessels, after many months of giving them free rein to terrorize whomever they please in the Red Sea.


Strikingly, since this year’s 2024 National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day, no mainstream media outlet has been curious enough to publish a story about the event and the mass student absences that ensued.
Why could that be?

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Goodness of God...

 Goodness of God/Don Moen

I love You Lord
Oh Your mercy never fails me
All my days
I've been held in Your hands
From the moment that I wake up
Until I lay my head
I will sing of the goodness of God

All my life You have been faithful
All my life You have been so so good
With every breath that I am able
I will sing of the goodness of God

I love Your voice
You have led me through the fire
In darkest night
You are close like no other
I've known You as a father
I've known You as a friend
I have lived in the goodness of God

Your goodness is running after
It’s running after me
Your goodness is running after
It’s running after me
With my life laid down
I’m surrendered now
I give You everything
Your goodness is running after
It's running after me

Newslinks: June 15, 2024

Coptic Bishop Sounds a Warning for the West. But Will Anyone Heed? The Coptic Christian Bishop Damian of the Höxter-Brenkenhausen Diocese in Germany has given the West a stark warning. But he is unlikely to be heard, as his words cut sharply against the prevailing wisdom in Germany and all over Europe. Western Europeans appear to have decided to commit civilizational suicide. Who is Bishop Damian to stand in their way?


SIS, Illegal Gangs, and Chinese Drug Slaves: Map Shows Which Open-Border Nightmare Is in Your State   In light of FBI Director Wray’s recent appearances before Congress warning of the elevated threat level within the US, combined with far too many recent examples of known or suspected terrorists discovered within the country, why hasn’t an National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin been issued?


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Slams Joe Biden’s ‘Posture of Weakness’ for Presence of Russian Warships Off Florida's Coast   On Friday outside Hollywood Fire Rescue Station 5, Governor DeSantis said, “Well, I’m the governor of Florida, I’m not the Commander in Chief.  If my responsibilities were different – that would not be something that we would allow to be happening.”
   “I think it’s really concerning. I think that under this administration, they put out a posture of weakness that has invited more aggressive actions from our adversaries.”

As US Is Being Encircled by Enemies, the US Administration Wants Israel to Surrender to Terrorists   While Russian warships, including a nuclear submarine, this week docked in Cuba, and with China building a major deep-water port in Peru that could serve the Chinese military, the US administration is pressuring only Israel to allow the Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas to win the war it launched against Israel on October 7.


Chicago High School Yearbook Praises Hamas, Ignites Jewish Community Outrage  The post, which spread rapidly through social media among Chicago-area moms, revealed that the yearbook featured a sophomore’s statement expressing happiness over Hamas’ violent actions on October 7. These actions included rape, mutilation, torture, murder, and kidnapping of Israelis. The student’s remarks, which also questioned Israel’s existence, left many parents feeling betrayed and concerned for their children’s safety.



The U.S. federal government has done some awful things.  However, intentionally framing American protesters (including grandparents on pensions and self-sacrificing military veterans) as members of some kind of terrorist cell attempting to overthrow the government in order to distract attention from 2020 election fraud is nothing less than evil.  In the years since that staged operation, thousands of innocent Americans have been harassed or arrested for their political beliefs.  Hundreds have been intimidated into accepting plea deals that include multi-year prison sentences.  Families have been ripped apart and left in insurmountable debt.  Too many defendants have taken their own lives to avoid the financial and emotional toll of the government’s malicious persecution.  It is atrocious that the U.S. government has inflicted such ruin upon so many Americans engaging in constitutionally protected free speech.


Detrans Helps Transgender Cult Survivors Tell Horrifying Truths All Media Work To Hide  Chest and genital wounds that constantly weep fluid and are susceptible to infection. Rage ever since she started taking testosterone that terrifies the girl expressing it into cutting her own body in self-torture. Autistic children and children with a history of rape being told that taking the hormones and cutting off attractive female parts will instantly transform their pre-existing emotional anguish into rainbows and unicorns, and finding out that was all a lie after it’s too late to preserve their breasts and voices.



Friday, June 14, 2024

Newslinks: June 14, 2024

Italian Paper Reports on Videos of Joe Biden’s Declining Health, ‘Rigid Movements’ 


Social security payments expected to face ‘steep cuts’ in just a few short years The head actuaries for Social Security and Medicare testified before a House panel on Thursday about the two safety net programs’ looming financial woes that could see key trust funds depleted in roughly a decade, which would leave beneficiaries facing a benefit cut if the funding gap isn’t resolved by Congress.
Trustees for Social Security and Medicare recently released a report that looked at the health of the key trust funds that found that key trust funds are on pace to be depleted in roughly a decade. When that happens, those programs would only be able to pay out what they receive through incoming payroll tax receipts, meaning benefits would be automatically cut under current law.




The Biden Assault on Grand Canyon University...The administration is abusing its power to punish an institution it dislikes.  Why the blatant animosity from the Biden administration? The apparent reason is that GCU is unabashedly traditionalist and Christian in its orientation, which makes it an attractive target for zealots who object to schools that are not on the “progressive” bandwagon.
The ED’s actions against GCU led the Goldwater Institute to file a freedom of information request, seeking any documents that would shed light on the targeting of the school and the unprecedented fine against it. As Goldwater attorney Stacey Skankey points out here, “By comparison, the Department assessed a mere $2.4 million fine against Penn State for failing to report the crimes of serial pedophile Jerry Sandusky.” Image


If Biden and his handlers have taught us anything, human nature cannot be fooled, and the current four-year experiment will have to end before it ends us—and soon.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Newslinks: June13, 2024

Redfield discussed government “overreach,” how they took advantage of pandemic uncertainty to demand ever more harmful mandates.
   “Was there overreach by the government, I think there’s no question about it,” Redfield said. “I might even argue it got worse in the Biden administration. For example, absolutely never should have mandated vaccines, period. Terrible decision. These vaccines do not prevent infection.” 


Muslim Immigrants to French Farmers: ‘We’re Here To Kill The Whites’ The mass assault on unarmed French farmers became the focus of outrage, the event fueling demands for curbing Muslim immigration.

The new woke jihadi movement is instead focused only on Israel and “Palestine.” It is oblivious to the modern gruesome Muslim-on-Muslim exterminations of Bashar el-Assad and Saddam Hussein, the Black September massacres of Palestinians by Jordanian forces, and the 1982 erasure of thousands in Hama, Syria.
    So woke jihadism is not an ecumenical concern for the oppressed, the occupied, the collateral damage of war, or the fate of refugees. Instead, it is a romanticized and repackaged anti-Western, anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic jihadism that supports the murder of civilians, mass rape, torture, and hostage-taking.

The situation is dire since lacking affordable, efficient public transportation, businesses will hire fewer workers, and thus be forced to cut back, close, or leave the city, and this may devastate the already struggling office building market while destroying the retail that depends on these daily workers. Foreclosures and bankruptcies will soar, and reduced taxes mean less money for police, schools, social services, sanitation and all else that makes the city livable. The doom loop may begin.


Putin To Arrive In North Korea As Kim Hails "Invincible Comrades-in-Arms"   As G7 leaders who are to meet in Italy this week prepare expanded sanctions on Russia, President Vladmir Putin is soon expected in North Korea. Kim Jong Un on Wednesday hailed his country's ties with Moscow, calling the two powers which actually share a tiny far eastern border "invincible comrades-in-arms".


South Florida Submerged Under Nearly 2 Feet of Water  DEVELOPING STORY: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency across South Florida after a rare extreme flooding event. Nearly two feet of rain fell swamping many cities from Miami to Sarasota. Hundreds of motorists were stranded and a large swath of Interstate 95 was shut down.


All eight men crossed through the southern border into the U.S., and their criminal backgrounds checks came back clean when they crossed, say two officials familiar with the matter. Image

Hamas-Supporting Anti-Semites Are Somehow Getting Even More Brazen and Vile  Well, let's check in on what just happened in New York City, where Hamas supporters protested an exhibit dedicated to the victims of the Nova music festival, where terrorists from Gaza slaughtered hundreds of innocent people.  Yes, they descended upon the location of an exhibit honoring victims of a mass murder to intimidate those who visited and to celebrate the mass murder.


Anti-Catholic drag queens infamous for lewd and blasphemous displays are scheduled to read to little kids at a library event this Pride month.


Russian Nuke Ships Are 90 Miles Away From Florida. What Could Go Wrong?  The ghost of the Cuban Missile Crisis has reared its ugly nuclear head roughly 60 years after JFK stared down the Soviets back in October 1962.

How Chinese Ownership Of U.S. Land Threatens National Security As the specter of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan looms, the need to safeguard America’s interests and defend against external threats has never been more pressing.

As nations around the world shudder at a new flood of cheap Chinese manufactured goods, the port could open new markets for its electric vehicles and other exports. China is already the top trade partner for most of South America.

Students who invaded Stanford president’s office and injured cop slapped with felony charges  On Wednesday, the protesters forcefully entered the building that serves as the office of Stanford’s president and provost. The activists, who included 11 current students, left graffiti throughout the Main Quad before barricading themselves in the office building, such as “Death 2 US,” “F*** Amerikkka,” and “Kill Cops.”
