Friday, June 21, 2024

Newslinks: June 21, 2024

Tennessee governor signs bill calling for 30 days of prayer and fasting in July A letter signed by Tennessee state Senator Mark Pidy and Representative Monty Fritts accompanying the resolution invites “those who are physically able and spiritually inclined to do so to join in a 30-day season of prayer and intermittent fasting for the month of July as a means of humbling ourselves to receive God’s grace, mercy, and blessing in Tennessee and in our Nation.”


Biden Border Invasion: Hordes of Military-Age Men March Like Soldiers Into California in Midnight Invasion (VIDEO) Hundreds of military-age illegal aliens marched like soldiers into California after midnight early Thursday morning.
    “During the overnight hours, we encountered another mass illegal crossing into Jacumba, CA, after midnight, made up of 150-200 adults and families from around the world,” Fox News reporter Bill Melugin said.

As we’ve noted here before, we do not oppose immigration. But, as with everything else, immigration is governed by laws, rules and principles. Unfortunately, when it comes to immigration, Biden simply ignores the law and instead uses presidential command in its place.
   The result: chaos on our border and, increasingly, on our streets as city after city suffers from rising illegal immigrant crime. And it’s going to get worse.


“The anti-Semitic attack and the rape of a 12-year-old child in Hauts-de-Seine revolt us,” said populist leader Marine Le Pen, whose National Rally party won the European Parliament elections in France this month.“The explosion of anti-Semitic acts, up 300 percent compared to the first three months of 2023, must alert all French people: the stigmatization of Jews for months by the far left through the instrumentalization of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a real threat to civil peace,” she continued.


Med school system displaces Americans in favor of foreigners, report finds Medical training and the healthcare system are heavily subsidized by taxpayers,” he told The Fix. “Those systems should not be creating opportunities for people overseas while driving out U.S. citizens.”
    His research found “about a third of foreign-trained ‘medical residents’ are U.S. citizens who had been turned away from domestic medical schools and have been forced to go overseas.”


Three Columbia Deans Placed on Leave Pending Investigation...exchanging derisive and anti-Semitic text messages  "I was appalled, but sadly not surprised, to learn Columbia administrators exchanged disparaging text messages during a panel that discussed antisemitism at the University," committee chairwoman Virginia Foxx said.


The intellectual dishonesty of Democrats proven once again   The Cleveland Plain Dealer was forced on June 18, 2024 to retract entirely a June 9th op-ed written by Democrat lawyer and political consultant Neil Baron when it was threatened with slander and libel lawsuits from three FBI whistleblowers because of the blatent false accusations Baron included in this op-ed.
   Baron’s op-ed, which can still read here, was mostly a partisan attack on Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and his effort to expose the FBI’s non-stop abuse of power. In doing so, however, Baron accused three FBI whistle-blowers of doing things they did not do.


Sen. Kennedy Explains Why Men Shouldn’t Play Women’s Sports in a Way Even Dems Can Understand 


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