Thursday, June 27, 2024

Newslinks: June 27, 2024

Federal Guide On ‘Inclusive Language’ Tells Bureaucrats To Ditch Gendered Terms Like ‘Son,’ ‘Daughter’   24-page internal document calls to replace terms like 'cockpit' with 'flight deck,' use 'they/them' as default pronouns to not assume gender...


In Latest Blow to Military Effectiveness, U.S. Navy Will No Longer Require Sailors to Pass Physical Fitness Tests   Sailors who fail two consecutive fitness assessments will no longer automatically have their Navy careers brought to an end, according to a new service policy unveiled this week.
   Under the old system, sailors who failed one physical fitness assessment, or PFA, lost their ability to be promoted until they were able to pass another test, but their careers would largely proceed onward. However, failing another consecutive PFA would end a career by taking away the ability to be promoted or to reenlist.


A Film About the 21 Christian Martyrs Slaughtered by ISIS Faces Challenges   Of particular interest is the mysterious and touching story of the only non-Coptic martyr, a black man from Ghana. Very little is known about him — he may even have originally been Muslim — but the information Zaki gathered suggests that while he was imprisoned alongside them, he was so inspired by the Copts’ defiance that he ended up converting and casting his lot in with theirs. That’s why the lead executioner chose the Ghanan to be his personal victim.


Donald Trump said that American journalists are partisan hacks and that we need to stand up to them. He was right. The same is true of journalists in the West generally. Tucker Carlson confronted one of those ideologically programmed partisan hacks in Australia and absolutely refused to let her get away with her dishonesty and smears.


Conquered From Within: The Unstoppable Islamization of the West The West is on the brink of conquest. The relentless march of Islamization across our countries is unstoppable.
   Forget the sheer numbers of Jihadis that have already infiltrated our nations and are reproducing at rates we are not matching…
   Forget that every level of our government is penetrated…
Non-Muslims are fractured, while jihadis stand shoulder to shoulder, united and determined.


‘Gut Punch’: Free Speech Lovers Lament SCOTUS Ruling Finally, The Federalist CEO Sean Davis called the ruling “an abomination that ignores both the facts and the law” and added, “I never thought I would see the Supreme Court rubber stamp the most egregious and illegal censorship campaign in American history, but here we are. What a joke.” It’s certainly a joke on the American people, but hardly a funny one.


While still relatively rare, broken heart syndrome is real and on the rise; here are some tips on how to prevent it Negative emotions such as heartbreak, profound sadness and anger can lead to broken heart syndrome. The symptoms mimic a heart attack but without broken blood vessels.
    During broken heart syndrome, your heart muscles are stunned and weakened, leading to your heart taking the shape of a balloon.  The release of adrenaline during shocking and acutely stressful events, increasing blood pressure and pulse adds further strain to a weakened heart.


What does that mean?  Well, we sure are getting a whole lot of alerts on the infectious disease du jour.  First it was COVID, then Monkeypox, then the Marburg virus.  Now it is Dengue Fever.  If this is anything like the last manufactured pandemic (that never materialized), where Americans have been conditioned to line up like sheep for an unnecessary, unproven, and experimental — and mandatory — Emergency Use Authorization mRNA vaccine, you can expect a lot of misinformation.


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