Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Newslinks: July 2, 2024

Biden, the Democrats, and God: at the End of the Dynasty  Suppose the Biden meltdown in last week’s presidential debate was a message from God, telling our Democratic friends that their progressive movement and the Progressive Dynasty it has spawned has reached its end? Suppose God is saying, in His particular way, that political movements have their birth, their growth, their maturity, and then their decline and death. And so when a political party runs a candidate for president that shows his age and his advanced dementia, maybe it’s a Sign from the Heavens that a political dynasty is passing.



Tennessee woman awarded nearly $700K after being fired for refusing COVID-19 vaccine requirement Benton said she worked from home for a year and a half during the pandemic, and didn't have any complaints until BCBST announced employee vaccine requirements.
   She refused to get the vaccine, purporting in her lawsuit that she "firmly believes, based upon personal research, that all COVID-19 vaccines are derived from aborted fetus cell lines." Benton said she "cannot in good conscience" receive the vaccine because it "would not only defile her body but also anger and dishonor God."


The numbers are staggering. “In fiscal year 2023, [ICE’s] ERO arrested 73,822 noncitizens with criminal histories; this group had 290,178 associated charges and convictions with an average of four per individual,” U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) stated in February. “These included 33,209 assaults; 4,390 sex and sexual assaults; 7,520 weapons offenses; 1,713 charges or convictions for homicide; and 1,655 kidnapping offenses.” Two points from this are particularly striking. Firstly, the sheer numbers. Think of how many people were victimized by criminals who should never have been in America to begin with. Secondly, notice that the average number of crimes per illegal alien was four. These are bestial, evil individuals who are fully dedicated to a life of crime, and who were allowed into the country by woke Democrats.


A gang of thieves has been arrested after being caught with a ton of crucifixes stolen from graves in Spain.  Six people were detained following reports that cemeteries across Toledo had been targeted. The operation was well organised, with hundreds of figurines of Christ smashed off gravestones and family tombs to be melted down for scrap metal.
About 2,000 crosses are believed to have been removed from graves


U.S. Bases in Europe on Second-Highest Alert for Terrorist Threat   According to Open Source Intelligence Monitor — a trusted source with over a million followers — most U.S. military bases "under United States European Command (EUCOM) in Spain, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Poland, and Romania have now been placed on Heightened Alert, with their Force Protection Condition (FPCON) being raised to Charlie." That's the second-highest threat level, and the reason is still unknown. Or, to be more precise, is likely known by the intelligence community but hasn't been publicly released.


The state of EV charging in America: Harvard research shows chargers 78% reliable and pricing like the ‘Wild West’   Asensio’s research is based on a first-ever examination of more than 1 million charging station reviews by EV drivers across North America, Europe, and Asia written over 10 years. In their reviews, these drivers described how they regularly encounter broken and malfunctioning chargers, erratic and secretive pricing, and even “charging deserts” — entire counties in states such as Washington and Virginia that don’t have a single public charger and that have even lost previously available chargers. EV drivers also routinely watch gas-engine vehicle drivers steal parking spots reserved for EV charging.



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