Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Newslinks: July 31, 2024

Why the ‘Green Economy’ Is Suddenly in Retreat—in EU, US, and on Wall Street Meanwhile, in the US, where nuclear power has been steadily attacked for decades by politicians and environmentalists, the Senate quietly passed (by a vote of 80–2!) a bill to support the deployment of nuclear facilities.
   These anecdotes illustrate an important point: Green policies are not just unpopular and uneconomical; they are often senseless.


Facebook Acknowledges It 'Mistakenly' Censored Iconic Trump Assassination Photo 
Meanwhile, Google is in hot water after some users noted the "autocomplete" function in its searches curiously doesn't generate any results for the Trump assassination.

Secret Service agent reveals the edifice of incompetency and stupidity that permeates the entire federal government   In a sense, the failure of the Secret Service on July 13th is a great opportunity to force change. There can be no excuse for it allowing an assassin to fire off shots that wounded three (including a presidential candidate) and killed one. If this time Congress allows that agency to walk away unscathed — as it has allowed the FBI, CIA, ATF and numerous other agencies to walk unscathed for the past decade — then there will be no hope. We shall see this new praetorian guard grab power, brutally and without mercy.


Pope Francis silent on Olympic opening while scandal-plagued Vatican archbishop defends it  The only other statement from a Vatican official in any capacity regarding the Olympic’s opening ceremony is that from Archbishop Charles Scicluna. The Maltese prelate is adjunct secretary of the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and sent a message to the French ambassador of Malta, noting his “distress and great disappointment at the insult to us Christians.” 
   The French bishops’ conference was joined by numerous U.S. bishops and others in condemning the Olympics opening ceremony, some considerably more vigorously than others. Image

'A WOMAN IS GOING TO DIE!' Woke Paris Olympic Games to Allow Alleged Male Boxers with XY Chromosomes to Fight Women!   “Imagine training your WHOLE life, getting good enough to earn a spot on the Olympic team, hoping to a win an Olympic medal,” Gaines wrote in another post on X. “Then you’re told you have to fight a man. That’s the tragic reality for these women.”


Court rules in favor of conservative professor blocked for ‘all men are created equal’ post  “If Plaintiff was blocked for posting ‘all men are created equal’ because the post was viewed as hateful, racist, or otherwise offensive, such blocking would violate the Constitution. Deleting or hiding the post for that reason would also violate the Constitution,” the court wrote.


Invasion of Young Male Migrants Sparks Sexual Assault and Violence Crisis: German Women Pay the Heaviest Price The influx of young, single men through asylum migration since 2015 has led to a significant number of sexual crimes against women in Germany. The overrepresentation of asylum migrants in these crimes, despite their small population proportion, highlights the need for policy changes. The CDU and AfD are vocal in their calls for stricter immigration controls and deportations, while the Greens remain silent on the issue. The Federal Ministry of the Interior and law enforcement officials emphasize the need for rigorous legal action to protect women and ensure public safety.

Threatening Jews, America and the foundations of all free societies.

Jewish school in Toronto set on fire day after Jewish school bus torched Speaking about the response to the antisemitic crime wave across Canada, Levant said, "People who should be doing something about it aren't."
   "For obvious reasons. Demographically, we've had mass immigration to Canada over the last few years, importing vast numbers of people to Canada from places that are endemically antisemitic," he said.


“And I will make mere lads their princes,
And capricious children will rule over them,
And the people will be oppressed,
Each one by another, and each one by his neighbor;
The youth will storm against the elder
And the inferior against the honorable…
O My people! Their oppressors are children,
And women rule over them.
O My people! Those who guide you lead you astray
And confuse the direction of your paths.
– Isaiah 3:4-5; 12


'True Conspiracy': Gender Activists' Entire Pro-Tranny Litigation Strategy Looks Like It's Starting to Crumble “At the most fundamental level, medical professionals owe a duty of care to their patients,” Payne told the DCNF. “The recently unsealed documents show that members of the healthcare community knew, or should have known, that the drugs and procedures they were prescribing were not supported by sufficient evidence. Failing to disclose that lack of evidence to patients, and prescribing those drugs and procedures anyway, is a breach of the duty of care owed to patients.”




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