Thursday, September 05, 2024

News and Views: September 5, 2024

California lawmakers and ex-cops slam Kamala Harris' new campaign ads So when the Harris presidential campaign released an ad on August 7 trumpeting her record as a ‘tough’ prosecutor who ‘took on drug cartels’ and ‘spent decades fighting violent crime’, California lawmakers and senior police officers who served during Harris’ tenure decided to speak up and challenge the candidate.
   ‘The campaign is trying to completely reinvent reality,’ said GOP congressman Kevin Kiley.

The Cartel Takeover in Colorado Is a Dispatch From the Future   At first glance, this appears to demonstrate American institutional strength, with citizens, city leaders, and law enforcement mobilizing together to combat the kind of organized terrorism that plagues Latin America. Yet a closer examination reveals that institutional infighting and paralysis already undermined the U.S. response to Tren de Aragua before the incident exploded into the national consciousness.


The Media Lies Add Up...For some nine years, the media and the left have successfully fed the country a succession of rank deceptions and conspiracies   As they continue, they have all but destroyed democracy, ruined the reputation of the media, alienated the public—and embarrassed their country before the world.

The Current Muslim Conquest of Europe and the Role of Ribat  How did Muslims, who first entered the UK as poor, impoverished asylum seekers, reach such a point of dominance? Certainly mass migration and supportive, lenient governmental policies have helped. But there’s another element at work here, and it goes under the Arabic term ribat.

‘UNRWA at war’: New film shows UN agency teaching kids to kill in Judea and Samaria   “Do you hate Jews,” an interviewer asks Rada Abu-Hatab, 12, an UNRWA student in Jenin. “Yes, a lot,” she answers. “I want to fight and become a martyr and ascend to heaven with Allah!”


United Methodist Church's New LGBTQ Heritage Center Reveals a Denomination That's Too Far Gone   The center will show a documentary at the event that tries to claim that homosexuality wasn’t a sin in the Bible until translations added it in 1946. The truth is that ancient Greek, Latin, and Hebrew didn’t have a word for homosexuality, so the change was a clarification rather than a doctrinal change. Image


Dutch overwhelming say “no” to another covid injection  A Dutch magazine asks its readers if they will take the new Corona vaccine. But it forgets to censor the answers.



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