Monday, July 18, 2005

David Virtue-News Summary

"An ignorant man of God is superior in the eyes of the Church to an arrogant heretic, be the latter ever so learned. -- Irenaeus, as reported in The Fathers of the Greek Church (Pantheon Publishers)"

Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception ... on the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience." II Cor. 4:2 (NIV)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are discovering, as a matter of fact, that ECUSA can be expected to state clearly in 2006 that it has no intention of abandoning its position on pansexuality with regard to the Episcopal Church's homosexuals, lesbians, transsexuals and bisexuals and their behavior, and their need to repent. They won't. All the "listening" in the world, all the publications put out by the church will not change that fact. We have listened ourselves into stupefaction. At that point in time the mask will come off and we will see clearly who the secessionists really are.

If you had any doubt about that, the actions of Bishop Andrew Smith in the Diocese of Connecticut confirmed it this past week. He, like his fellow revisionist bishops Smith is worse than a canonical fundamentalist. He twists the canons for his own purposes. These bishops care nothing for the 'faith once delivered to the saints,' only in their ecclesiastical power governed by General Convention resolutions, not Holy Scripture.

The fork in the road is now clear. Hundreds of parishes who have fled the Episcopal Church over the past few years will only escalate in number, and this past week, in the face of overwhelming opprobrium, the Bishop of Connecticut descended in a Gestapo like raid on one parish - a godly parish that was thriving under the leadership of its rector the Rev. Mark Hansen - and in one brief moment of time the parishioners found themselves cut off from their true spiritual head and set adrift at the whim of a bishop who recognizes neither the authority of (divine) Holy Scripture or even the less than the authoritative (human) Windsor Report.

the rest:


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