Saturday, September 03, 2005

Campus Crusade for Christ Mobilizes Youth for Katrina Relief Efforts
Saturday, Sep. 3, 2005
Posted: 10:24:33AM EST
Campus Crusade for Christ International anticipates that thousands of college students and adult volunteers will very soon join its Hurricane Katrina relief efforts through its humanitarian aid ministry, Global Aid Network (GAIN).

Christian Hurricane Relief Efforts Continue; Concerned Americans Give Record Donations
Friday, Sep. 2, 2005
Posted: 8:40:40AM EST
As Christian relief groups work to set up command centers, and distribute basics such as food and water, the response from Americans has been strong as record donations are pledged.

Convention Center Evacuation Begins
Sep 03 11:32 AM US/Eastern
By ROBERT TANNERAP National Writer
A fleet of air-conditioned buses rolled up to the city's devastated convention center Saturday to begin evacuating an estimated 25,000 people who have been waiting for days amid the stench of garbage and rotting corpses.
Thousands of people began pushing and dragging their belongings up the street to more than a dozen buses, the mood more numb than jubilant.

Draining New Orleans could take 80 days- Army
Fri Sep 2, 2005 5:33 PM ET
By Jim Loney
BATON ROUGE, Louisiana (Reuters) - Engineers may need up to 80 days to remove Hurricane Katrina's flood waters from the swamped New Orleans, a senior U.S. Army Corps of Engineers official said on Friday.
Work crews gained control over one of the breaches in the levee on Friday and expected to have another major gap closed on Saturday, Brig. Gen. Robert Crear told reporters at a briefing in Baton Rouge.
"We're looking at anywhere from 36 to 80 days to being done," Crear said.


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