Monday, April 07, 2008

Drell: What Is Going On At St. James Alexandria

April 6, 2008

Is my parish starting the Rick Warren series on the Purpose Driven Church? Going to perhaps do a series on what it means to be Anglican? Having a revival? Nope.

Rather, the rector will lead a class to discuss the new book and upcoming movie, “Lord, Save Us From Your Followers”, which essentially is a quasi-documentary by a liberal Christian ragging conservative Christianity. The main thrust of the indictment is the usual one - Christianity makes gay people, atheists, evolutionists, and other liberals feel bad. Aw, for shame. It does poke some fun at the ACLU for attempting to sanitize the country from all religion, but the main focus of the book/movie is to vilify Christianity as it is under assault around the globe and particularly from secular forces in this country. Perhaps if the author of this movie focused more on what the Gospel teaches and conveying that to the rest of the country rather than vilifying other Christians in the process, perhaps the “Gospel of Love” might touch more people and bring them to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.
the rest at Drell's Descants


At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am shocked that you would feel comfortable judging a project before you have even see the entire movie or read the entire book. As some one who has done both, I feel like your presemptions are off target. I would recommend that you take the time to fully research the project, like your rector has, before you dismiss or vilify the content.

As a conservative Christian that grew up in the Catholic church, it has changed my life. I hope that you and the people that read your blog will open minded enough to educate yourselves on this project before rejecting its message. I would be more than willing to send you my copy of the book.


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