Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Albert Mohler: “Simply Unprecedented” — President Obama and the Gay Rights Movement

Monday, October 12, 2009

"This was a historic night when we felt the full embrace and commitment of the President of the United States. It's simply unprecedented." Those words were spoken by Joe Salmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, just after President Barack Obama spoke to the group's 13th annual national dinner.

The Human Rights Campaign is one of the leading organizations promoting what it describes as "lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights." The group's annual dinner, held Saturday night, featured well-known politicians and entertainers popular in the LGBT community, as well as an appearance by the President of the United States. President Obama's speech was a matter of controversy long before he arrived. Though pledging soon after his election to be what he called a "fierce advocate" for gay rights, the President has frustrated the gay rights community with what they see as inaction and hesitation in dealing with their agenda. the rest

Has Obama Ushered in a New Era for LGBT Rights?
President Obama's speech this past weekend made it "abundantly clear" that America is looking at "a new era for civil rights for LGBT people," said one gay rights advocate.

President Obama Will Not Defend Marriage. Will promote 'Homosexual Equivalency'
What occurred on Saturday night is a very, very serious matter. President Obama has sent the signal. He will not defend marriage.


At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Maid of New Orleans said...

So, wonder if Obama's good bud, Rick Warren is down with all this 'change'... third term abortion, 'gay' 'marriage', Islamichristibuddhihindianity, etc.?


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