Monday, November 01, 2010

Obama is dismantling private health care

By Bill Wilson
October 30, 2010

Unable to eliminate private health care coverage in America in one fell swoop with his new socialized medicine law, President Obama has decided to dismantle what’s left of the free market system brick-by-brick via a relentless regulatory barrage.

Availing himself of the broad discretionary powers included in his unconstitutional new law, Obama is drawing a bead on private health plan providers’ business models, their profits as well as the quality of care they provide.

Not content with forcing private insurers to pay for new coverage requirements, Obama is now dictating how they can – and cannot – spend money collected from health care premiums. As a result, he is forcing them to make decisions that will undermine patient safety and care, while at the same time threatening the sustained viability and profitability of their operations.  the rest

Obama's economists missed what voters plainly saw


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